Ï Modern villages to be built in Mary Velayat

Modern villages to be built in Mary Velayat

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The President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, having assigned the following to the administration of Mary Velayat:

To coordinate the work for construction of relative facilities in new modern villages, which are to be built in Vekilbazar, Sakarchage and Turkmenkala etraps, Mary Velayat, to control the course of these work and to carry out phased construction of the settlements;

To develop General Plans of construction development of new modern settlements;

To start the construction works in June 2019 and to complete it by June 2022.

The President of Turkmenistan noted at the session of the Government on May 24 that construction of new villages in Mary Velayat would be another important step to the implementation of National rural programme. Big changes in all parts of the country would support successful solution of the objectives in the sphere of integrated development of the regions, including the agriculture, as well as the improvement of the level of labour occupancy of the population, improvement of living conditions of the citizens including new families and young specialists.