Ï Current directions of science development to be the subjects of international forum

Current directions of science development to be the subjects of international forum

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International Conference timed to the Day of Science will be held on June 12- 13. Famous scientists from European, Asian and CIS countries will come to Ashgabat to participate in the forum.

Such topical directions as information, telecommunication and biological technologies, development of digital economy, logistics, water diplomacy, implementation of scientific developments in industry, agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, ecology and other will be the subjects of discussion during the conference.

Vice-premier Purli Agamyradov informed the Head of the State about the preparation to the forum at the session of the Government. It was informed that award ceremony of the winners of annual scientific works context among young scientists of the country, celebration concert and other cultural events would be held under the Day of Science.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted that coming conference is to give strong impulse to the development of national science and to demonstrate its success in modern age as well as to support beneficial exchange of practice and expansion for fruitful international cooperation, development and implementation of joint projects in the sphere of advanced technologies.