Ï The President of Turkmenistan: The main goal of our youth is to study and work good

The President of Turkmenistan: The main goal of our youth is to study and work good

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed congratulation message to school graduates and personnel of educational sphere on occasion of the Last Bell Holiday.

The youth is our future. We look forward successful realization of all programmes, social and economic, cultural and educational, social and political reforms, which are to provide further prosperity of our independent neutral state, - the message says.

Our great future and success depend on you, your education, world outlook, creative work, sincere and devoted love of native country and people. It is a great honour to live every day making high targets and to achieve them. Therefore, the duty and main goal of our talented and committed youth, which enters new stage of live, are to study and work well, to create and strive for perfection. You have to become deserving successors of patriotic and humane traditions of ancestors, - the message says.

We give an important place to dynamic development of the country, its successful integration to global economic space including to the modernization of education system in our state policy. We pay great attention to education of physically and morally fit younger generation. Secondary comprehensive and high schools, kindergartens, entertainment and health centres have been built in all regions of the country under national programmes. The work for provision of profile facilities with books and manuals, implementation of advanced technologies and training technical aids meeting the world standards is carried out steadily. Construction of schools is continued together with social facilities under the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

Education is the platform for harmonic development of society and state. Digital education system is activated for modernization of work of the organizations of this sphere, provision of qualitative electronic information on all levels of education, wide implementation of digital technologies for enhancement of educational content and its implementation on the level of world standards. Advance achievements of science and educational methods are widely introduced into this sphere. Modern reforms open wide opportunities for fruitful activity of personnel of this sphere and for world class edcuaiton.

The State will always take care of education of young people, specialists of high qualification for further prosperity of our country, its great future and comprehensive development, the message of Turkmen leader highlights.