Ï Social and economic changes: Regional projection

Social and economic changes: Regional projection

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of number of ministries and departments as well as hyakims of the velayats. The agenda included priority objectives of social and economic development of the regions, course of seasonal agricultural works and other current issues of the state life.

Opening the session, Turkmen leader called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev who reported on the situation in the region, preparation to wheat harvest campaign and fulfilment of seasonal agricultural works. At the same time, it was reported about the construction of various facilities in the velayat and preparation to summer holiday season.

The President noted that it is necessary to make a plan of organized mowing for collection of produced yield in optimum period and without any losses and to define necessary number of grain harvesters and transport vehicles. All have to be made conditions for work and rest of the personnel participating in the harvest campaign

The Head of the State gave relative instructions to the Hyakim for planting of vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops, corn and clover at the fields after the wheat harvest. It was also highlighted that it is necessary to hold under control the compliance with fire safety requirements with coming hot season.

The President addressed the Hyakim with specific assignments for proper preparation to summer holiday season as well as for permanent control of provision of quality construction and timely commissioning of social and cultural facilities built in the velayat.

Having noted coming International Children Day that is widely observed in the country, the Head of the State ordered to hold all events timed to that date on high level.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov. Reporting to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on integrated works in the velayat, the Hyakim informed on the measures for organized wheat harvest campaign.

The report on the measures for further development of social and economic infrastructure of the velayat, rates of construction of different facilities was presented.

Having pointed out the importance of control of uninterrupted work of entire harvest conveyor, Turkmen leader highlighted the necessity of timely fulfilment of seasonal agro technical activities.

It is also necessary to pay attention to cultivation of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops, corn and clover using the fields, which are left after grain harvest, the Head of the state noted.

Speaking of the start of hot weather, the President focused on strict compliance with fire safety. The Hyakim received the instruction on deserving celebration of International Children Day in the velayat.

Further, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on the situation in the region, preparation to grain harvest campaign. The information about the rates of construction, measures taken in the context of coming summer season and school holidays has been presented.

Draft Resolution on construction of new residential complex for 1,496 houses in S. A. Niyazov etrap has been presented for review to the Head of the State. It will also have school, kindergarten, health centre and public service centre. The construction will be carried out in two phases.

Having focused on the importance of the wheat harvest, the President noted that proper work and rest conditions have to be made for all who would be involved in this responsible campaign. Machines and relative equipment, grain reception facilities have to be ready for the harvest. The Hyakim also received relative instructions for provision of high organizational level of events on occasion of International Children Day.

Having signed the Resolution on construction of residential complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Hyakim by electronic document management system. Having called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who supervises Dashoguz Velayat, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of integrated approach to the subjects related to creation of all conditions for prosperous life of people, having ordered to hold the ground-breaking ceremony of new residential complex.

Head of administration of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev made report on the work in Lebap Velayat. The Hyakim reported on the measures for grain harvest campaign in designated period and without any losses as well as on seasonal agrotechnical works in the velayat.

Having highlighted the necessity of control of the preparation to the grain harvest and important agricultural campaign in general, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to implement advanced technologies in combination with the best national practice in agricultural complex.

Having expressed the interest in the situation at the construction sites of the velayat, the Head of the State gave instructions to accelerate the rates of construction works at the facilities built in the region under National rural programme as well as for provision of fire safety in the region.

Speaking of summer holidays and celebration of International Children Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Hyakim with number of relative assignments.

Next, the President called HHyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev who reported on the situation in the region including in agricultural sphere. It was also reported about comprehensive preparation to the wheat harvest.

Having requested to provide coordinated grain mowing, uninterrupted operation of all equipment involved into campaign coordinated activity of profile structures, the Head of the State also focused on the use of opportunities for good yields of other agricultural crops.

Having called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who supervises Mary Velayat, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to organize the ground-breaking ceremony of new settlements in Vekilbazar, Sakarchaga and Turkmenkala etraps in celebration atmosphere.

The Hyakim also received assignments for strict compliance with fire safety standards and high level of organization of the event dedicated to International Children Day.

After, the Head of the State continued video conference working session with participation of Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramguliyev and Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev and hyakims of the velayats.

Having noted the 10th anniversary of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association in 2020, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the organization of the anniversary in Lebap Velayat next year.

Alternate organization of the session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Associations in all regions of the country would support further popularization of our ‘sky horse’, improvement of the glory of ahalteke horse, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

In this context, Turkmen leader has focused on the necessity to bring equestrian complex in Lebap velayat in proper conditions, which racing tracks have to meet modern requirements, under preparation to International forum.

After, the Head of the State has focused again that the wheat harvest is coming soon. It is necessary to make clear plan of organized conduct of the harvest in every etrap, the President of Turkmenistan said, having given assignments to relative officials. At the same time, it was highlighted that definition of number of grain harvesters and vehicles for transportation of the wheat, their readiness to the season are important requirements.

During harvest season, the grain producers have to be provided with hot food and all necessary things. The Head of the State highlighted that all reception facilities and warehouses have to be prepared in the velayats to receive the wheat.

Having noted that all payments for received grain have to be settled immediately and that there should not be any delays in the work of Dayhanbank and its branches, the President addressed the Chairman of the Central Bank with number of orders. Instructions on use of the territories left empty after the wheat harvest for crops rotation have also been given.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative orders to the Hyakims on organization of summer holidays, compliance with fire safety regulations, having ordered to hold this work under permanent control.

Speaking of construction of facilities in the regions, the Head of the State focused that large-scale work aimed at the satisfaction of the population demand on living and improvement of life level of the citizens is carried out under the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 and National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020 in new edition.

The President noted that the wealth of Turkmen citizens is the main goal of large-scale activity. Every citizen of the country has to feel the realization of our fundamental slogan “The State for Human Being!” in his life, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Finishing the session, the Head of the state wished all participants strong health and great success in work.