Ï Turkmen leader and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan speak for expansion of the partnership

Turkmen leader and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan speak for expansion of the partnership

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Turkmen leader and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan speak for expansion of the partnership
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Davlatali Said who arrived in Turkmen capital for participation in the session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Having expressed the gratitude for personal meetings and warm welcome, the guest conveyed the greetings on behalf of President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to the Head of Turkmenistan, having noted that he is glad to come to Ashgabat, the capital of neighbouring state, with which his country is related by strong historical and spiritual connections.

In this regard, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan noted the importance of representative forum held in Turkmenistan, which chairs the Commonwealth of Independent States, and expressed the confidence that current meeting would bring positive results and new ideas for expansion f constructive cooperation.

Having returned best wishes to the Government officials and people of friendly country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the commitment of Turkmenistan to development of the partnership with Tajikistan on equal and beneficial basis.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to the President of Tajikistan for the participation in the Summit of the countries founders of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea held in Avaza National tourist zone last year, for comprehensive support of the initiatives of Turkmenistan as well as for sending of special delegation to Turkmenistan for the participation in the session of the heads of the Governments of the CIS and addressed wishes of success in work.

Expansion of cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats including cooperation under the CIS has been discussed during the meeting. It was mentioned that expansion of trade and economic relations, beneficial partnership in energy and transport as well as in humanitarian sphere where friendly states have gained rich and positive experience are in the sphere of these interests.

Having noted similarity of the positions in strategic subjects of global agenda, the Head of Turkmenistan and his guest stated the importance of consolidation of efforts in solution of current ecological problems. It was highlighted that international initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan at the sessions of the UN General Assembly and other big forums are aimed at the activation of regional and international cooperation in all range of water issues.

In particular, this is related to the development of acceptable mechanism of integrated and balanced use of transboundary water resources, which have to be solved exclusively on the base of universal standards and principles of international law taking into account the interests of all countries of the region.

Speaking of the development of bilateral relation, the interest in intensification of the contacts in transport sphere, to which strong impulse was given by successful realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Tajikistan railway, which is to serve not only to the interests of two friendly states and nations but also to the region in general, has been mentioned.

Efficiency of activation of cooperation in power energy, trade, oil and gas industry and agriculture and in this regard, the activity of joint Intergovernmental Turkmen – Tajik Commission for trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation has been highlighted.

Cooperation in humanitarian sphere was the subject of separate discussion. Having highlighted the priorities in cultural sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his guest haves spoken for the strengthening of the contacts in this sphere, having continued the practice of cultural exchanges between Turkmen and Tajik cultural and art personnel.

In the end of the meeting, having confirmed the commitment of two countries to traditional relations of friendship and goodwill, the President of Turkmenistan and the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan have spoken for further expansion of beneficial partnership.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikisan to Turkmenistan Farruh Homiddin Sahrifzoda has also taken part in the meeting.