Ï Turkmen leader and Prime Minister of Bulgaria discuss priority subjects over the telephone conversation

Turkmen leader and Prime Minister of Bulgaria discuss priority subjects over the telephone conversation

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a telephone conversaton with Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov.

Having warmly greeted each other, the interlocutors stated with delight traditionally friendly character of interstate dialog, which is built on the principles of constructive equal cooperation.

The President of Turkmenistan and the prime Minister of Bulgaria discussed current condition and perspective of the development of bilateral relations as well as number of subjects of international politics that present mutual interest.

Having noted high level of cooperation including under big international organizations, the President of Turkmenistan and the prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria confirmed the willingness to intensification of contacts.

In this context, promotion of the agreements reached during official visit of Boyko Borisov to Turkmenistan in August 2015, which made solid foundation for further strengthening of friendly relations and full-scale cooperation of two countries, has been reviewed.

Having noted that Turkmenistan pays great importance to the development of beneficial relations with the Republic of Bulgaria, which are based on mutual respect, equal rights, desire to the progress, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to Bulgarian side for support and co-sponsorship of constructive international initiatives proposed by our country and adopted by the Resolutions of the UN General Assembly.

Continuing the conversation, the President of Turkmenistan and Prime Minister of Bulgaria discussed priority subjects of bilateral cooperation including in trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural spheres, having noted the presence of significant potential for consolidation of efforts in different directions and key role of Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation in its implementation.

Energy and transport have been mentioned among strategic vectors of the partnership. Such spheres as construction, agriculture and processing industry, production of various equipment including transport and electrical, technologies, pharmacy and medical industry, sport and tourism have been highlighted among perspective directions.

During the conversation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited Prime Minister of Bulgaria and representatives of business circles of friendly country to take part in the events of the first Caspian economic forum and the exhibition of innovative technologies, which would be held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 12, 2019.

Having highly appreciated the dynamics of Turkmen – Bulgarian dialog, the interlocutors confirmed the willingness to support comprehensively to this process making favourable conditions for the development of the relations between two states in different sphere.

In the end of the conversation, the interlocutors exchanged wishes of health and success, and wished happiness and prosperity to the nations of Turkmenistan and Bulgaria.

Telephone conversation was initiated by Bulgarian side.