Ï Armenia is interested in activation of the partnership with Turkmenistan

Armenia is interested in activation of the partnership with Turkmenistan

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Armenia is interested in activation of the partnership with Turkmenistan
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Mgher Grigoryan who arrived in Turkmen capital for participation in the session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS.

Having expressed the gratitude for spared time, the guest conveyed warm greetings of President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sarkisyan to the Head of Turkmen state. The Vice-premier noted that his country highly appreciate weighted and balanced approach of Turkmenistan to the issues of international cooperation as well as constructive initiatives of regional and global significance.

The President of Armenia sent greetings to Turkmen leader on occasion of the adoption of the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea by the proposal of Turkmenistan at the 73 session of the UN General Assembly.

The Vice-premier of the Republic of Armenia has also said about the interest of Armenia in development of beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan including under the CIS.

Having welcomed the guest, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov returned the wishes of prosperity to the President of the Republic of Armenia and to people f friendly country as well as expressed the confidence that coming session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS countries would serve as new impulse for definition of important directions of cooperation between the countries of the Commonwealth.

It was mentioned that comprehensively supporting the promotion of equal, trustful dialog in bilateral and multilateral formats, Turkmenistan sees the sue of available capabilities in economy, trade, energy, transport and communication, in development of scientific and education, cultural and humanitarian dialog, consolidation of peace, security and stability in the CIS among the main vectors of joint activity.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence that members of the CIS would actively support the establishment of new forms of efficient cooperation. First Caspian forum, in which events as well as in exhibition timed to this forum Armenia is going to take part, is aimed at this purpose.

Having described respectful and fruitful relations between Turkmenistan and Armenia, the Head of the State highlighted that these relations have been significantly activated and that there are all prepositions for bringing of the partnership to new level meeting more comprehensive implementation of the potential of national economies of two countries.

In this context, the plans for the future taking into account the goals and objectives that the Governments of Turkmenistan and Armenia set out have been discussed. Having noted the presence of significant resources for expansion of cooperation, the Vice-premier of Armenia confirmed the intent to expand the partnership with Turkmenistan in number of spheres including fuel and energy, transport and transit.

Big opportunities are opened in development of tourism, which is very important in the aspects of cultural and humanitarian dialog. The sides exchanged the opinions on the processes of digitization, their importance in social and economic strategies of the countries. The attention has also been paid to ecology, environmental protection, development of balanced approaches to solution of the issues of this sphere in global, regional and national levels.

It was noted that there are many points of interests and they have to be reflected in details in the agenda and work of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Armenian Commission for economic cooperation, which members would receive relative instructions.

In the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan and Vice-premier of the Republic of Armenia expressed the confidence in further expansion of beneficial cooperation.

Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Turkmenistan Garnik Badalyan has also taken part in the meeting.