Ï President of Turkmenistan addresses compatriots on occasion of Gadyr gijesi

President of Turkmenistan addresses compatriots on occasion of Gadyr gijesi

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“I congratulate you on blessed Gadyr gijesi! I am sure that the holy night of the month of Oraza will further strengthen our unity, mutual respect, mercy, will inspire us to achieve new lofty goals”, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his address.

“The Turkmens are a wise, generous, industrious, friendly, spiriytual people. The people who replenish the treasury of spiritual and moral values of humanity with their traditions and customs. Our principles, aimed at strengthening the friendship of the peoples on the planet, are taken as the basis of our state policy, the unity of the people is based on them. Enriching the spiritual and moral values, national traditions, religious and secular rites with new content, we ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of our society.

“We treat the holy month of Oraz and Gadyr gijesi with special reverence, because this is the time of physical and spiritual cleansing and charity. The main principles of our people are such values as love and devotion, mercy and endurance, courage and bravery, determination and reliability, honesty and modesty. Our national culture, material and spiritual values, traditions, religious and secular customs, which have become a great contribution to the formation and enrichment of the universal civilization, inspire us to be creative.

“Today, relying on the spiritual power of the people and our national heritage, the rich experience of our ancestors, we successfully implement large-scale projects, turning our state into one of the developed countries of the world. We also successfully carry out socio-economic, cultural, educational, social and political reforms, we include glorious pages into the modern history of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

“At the same time, having defined the principles of peace, friendship, humanism as the most important vectors of the foreign-policy strategy of our state, we, together with major international organizations and the countries of Central Asia, the Asia-Pacific region, America, Europe, the Middle East, consolidate the efforts to strengthen peace, develop relations based on the principles of mutual understanding and trust. We are pleased that the national traditions and customs passing over from generation to generation, material and spiritual values increase the authority of our sovereign state”, emphasized the President of Turkmenistan in his Address.