Ï Extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

Extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place

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Extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan takes place
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where important issues of the state life have been discussed.

Having announced the agenda, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that pardoning of convicted persons is held prior to big celebrations and in honour of the Night of Power.

In this regard, the Head of the State gave floor to the Prosecutor General, Chairman of the Committee for proposals on citizenship and pardoning under the President of Turkmenistan B. Atdayev who reported that it is proposed to release 764 convicted persons from further sentence in prison in honour of the Night of Power.

The President signed presented Order and ordered Prosecutor General B. Atdayev and heads of law enforcement structures to take relative measures to release pardoned persons from prisons and to return them home to their families.

After, the President of the country gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Ministers R. Meredov who reported on the adoption of the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea initiated by the President of Turkmenistan at the 85th sitting of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.

Having accepted with delight the information, the Head of the State congratulated Turkmen nation with this important historical event.

Continuing the session of the Government, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the structures of financial, economic and banking sectors as well as on the measures for improvement of insurance activity. In the regard, the Vice-premier reported on mandatory state personal insurance of personnel working at the facilities with high-risk level from accidents and occupational diseases.

Having highlighted the subject of improvement of insurance activity, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier to continue work in this direction.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyv who reported on seasonal field works in the regions.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of instructions for further improvement of management sphere of agricultural complex, implementation of efficient financial and economic mechanisms stimulating the work of tenants and farmers.

After, deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the situation f different sectors of fuel and energy complex and on the measures for practical implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030.

The Vice-premier also reported on the preparation to XXIV International Conference and Exhibition Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2019. The forum, which is organized by the State Concern Turkmennebit and Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country is planned to be held in Ashgabat on October 22 – 24.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted the importance of exhibition and congress activity for improvement of prestige of the country in the world community, popularization of success achieved in the fields and demonstration of its potential.

The President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments for organization and programme of the forum Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2019, which would be an efficient ground for launching of new projects and studying of the world trends in petroleum industry.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported to the Head of the State on the work of transport and industrial sectors including the modernization of railway industry of the country.

Speaking of further development of transport and communication, the Vice-premier highlighted that systematic activity on development of international regulatory and legal base for further formation of transport railway networks by opening of logistics centres, which would serve to economic growth of regional and international levels, is continued for creation of stable multimodal corridors.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of expansion of the volumes of work for development of transport sector and communication, having ordered to provide the attraction of foreign investments to these spheres and to take measures for increment of cargo traffic. In tis context, Turkmen leader focused on the condition of railroads.

It is necessary to achieve qualitative work during construction and reconstruction of railroads using advanced technologies, which has to provide long-term operation of railway system of the country, the Head of the State highlighted, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on construction of big production and social facilities, which are planned to be opened next year. The Vice-premeir informed that according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, the construction of 11,339 various facilities is continued.

Having listened to the report, the President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the importance to hold under permanent control the construction of social and living facilities in the cities and villages of the country as well as on the measures for stimulation of investment activity in this sphere.

Special emphasis was laid on creation of unique architectural image of the main city of the country. The President noted that high quality modern construction materials meeting highest requirements from both ecological and aesthetical point of view have to be used at construction sites of the capital.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on current situation in the structures under his supervision in particular on programme measures for development of international cooperation in trade complex.

The Vice-premier also reported on the work carried out at the request of the President of the country for sale of Turkmen carpets overseas, wide popularization of the unique features, high quality, ecological benefits in the world as well as on the opening of specialized shops for sale of national carpets.

New facility has been opened by the members of the UIET in United Arab Emirates. 84 square meters were leased in one of the shopping malls. At present time, decoration in national style, supply of the shop with carpets and carpet articles as well as with textile and souvenir production is carried out.

In addition to retail, the wholesale of various export goods made in Turkmenistan is planned to organize via this enterprise.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that expansion of business relations with foreign partners is one of priority directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan, which has huge economic potential.

The Head of the State gave number of specific assignments to the Vice-premier on establishment of bilateral trade and economic relations between private companies. Turkmen entrepreneurs have to put all necessary efforts for involvement of perspective business programmes.

Having pointed out that it is necessary to continue paying utmost attention to stimulation of export of goods produced in the country, activation of foreign trade activity of national companies, to develop best world practice in this sphere, the Head of the State addressed specific assignments to the Vice-premier on this account.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the work of the structures under her supervision, in particular, on the activity for expansion of international cooperation, preparation of number of cultural events including on international level.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that cultural and public events in the country have to represent the entire variety of national art and rich cultural heritage of Turkmen nation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the measures for further development of national education sphere and maximum involvement of intellectual potential of the nation.

The state would continue providing comprehensive support to improvement of educational sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said summing up the report.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament on modernization of legal and regulatory base of the country.

Deputies continue working on preparation of legal documents supporting further successful realization of the programmes of social and economic development of the state and strengthening of democratic base.

Deputies of the Mejlis take part in meetings and forums held in our country and overseas for activation of inter-parliamentarian contacts and study of advanced practice in legislation sphere.

Having listened to the information and highlighted that legal support is efficient instrument in solution of objectives of social and economic development of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of further activity of the Mejlis on assertion of democratic principles in the society.

The Head of the State also highlighted the importance of partnership in different directions of international cooperation.

Further, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev made spoke at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, having reported on the situation in security forces and fulfilment of the assignment given by the President of Turkmenistan earlier.

Having outlined priority directions of work of this structure in near future, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country gave orders onfurther improvement of work for training of qualified officers.

Minister of Interior I. Mulikov informed on the measures taken for support of public order and prevention of crimes in the country.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold the activity of all divisions of the Ministry of Interior under permanent control.

Minister of defence B. Gundogdiyev reported on the implementation of large-scale military reform, measures for strengthening of defensive capability of the country, making of proper conditions for the defenders of the country and their full rest.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to take integrated measures for further improvement of National Army, strengthening of its equipment and facilities base, having addressed specific assignments on this account.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on the work for improvement of judicial system of the country including on the review of appeals coming from the citizens.

Highlighting big responsibility of personnel of judicial sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to respect the rights and freedoms of the citizens during consideration of each case and to take decisions together with relative authorities.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev reported on the situation at the border of Turkmenistan, which is committed to the policy of peace, goodwill and beneficial cooperation with all interested partners, first with neighbouring countries.

The President ordered to continue providing the integrity of the borders of the country as a border of friendship and fraternity, to educate personnel in the spirit of patriotism, courage and loyalty to national heritage.

Chairman of the State Customs Service A. Osmanov reported on the work at customs points of the country.

In this context, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of further improvement of activity of customs service, wide introduction of modern technologies and equipment.

Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov reported on steadfast measures for comprehensive development of, improvement and modernization of legislation base.

The Head of Turkmenistan ordered to enforce the activity for further improvement of existing legislation, development of new regulatory and legal acts meeting modern requirements.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov reported on the activity of the structure under his supervision, measures for implementation of advanced world practice.

Having focused on the importance of work of the Service, the Head of the State gave number of specific orders for successful fulfilment of set objectives.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health, family wealth and success in work.