Ï Key vectors of cooperation of the CIS countries are outlined in Ashgabat

Key vectors of cooperation of the CIS countries are outlined in Ashgabat

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Key vectors of cooperation of the CIS countries are outlined in Ashgabat
The capital hosted the session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments which was held chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Government delegations of the Commonwealth countries have come to Ashgabat for participation in the session, which Turkmenistan hosts as a country chairing the CIS this year. As it was informed Turkmen leader received the Heads of delegations of number of the CIS countries prior to the forum on May 30.

In the morning prior to the start of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. After the meeting, the Head of the state and high-rank guest went to the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. At the main entrance, the Head of Turkmen state and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was cordially greeted by Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev. Commemorative photographing ceremony of the President of Turkmenistan with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee took place in the hall of the building afterwards.

In the hall, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has warmly welcomed Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Novruz Ismail Ogly Mamedov, Vice-premier of the Republic of Armenia Mgher Grigoryan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Rumas, Prime Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, Vice-premier of the Kyrgyz republic Zhenish Razakov, representative of the Republic of Moldova Victor Sorochan, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Davlatali Said and Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov who arrived to the session. The sides shaked each other hands and took commemorative photo of the President of Turkmenistan with the heads of delegations of the CIS countries.

After traditional photographing ceremony on the background of the official banner of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments and National Flags of the members of the Commonwealth, the participants of the forum were invited to the meeting in narrow format.

Having announced the opening of the 73rd session of the Council of the heads of the Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the President of Turkmenistan noted that new Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin takes part as a member of the Council for the first time. having welcomed the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan on behalf of the Council and personally, Turkmen leader wished him success in his responsible activity.

Having noted that heads of the delegations, which are not member of the Council, have relative authorities for taking decisions, the Head of the State also informed that the Republic of Moldova takes part in the session as observer.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev who presented relative information on organizational issues.

After adoption of the agenda of the session and its regulation, Turkmen leader suggested the participants of the meeting to share the opinions on current subjects of economic cooperation under the CIS, having given them floor for the speech.

In the speeches, the Heads of the delegations highly appreciated organizational level of the Summit in Ashgabat. They have also expressed the confidence that the session held under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS would serve to expansion of beneficial trade and economic partnership between the CIS countries.

It was mentioned that increment of trade, development of the relations in different direction on integrated basis, exchange of practice in industrial sector as well as stimulation fruitful contacts in cultural and humanitarian spheres are current objectives of the present time. coordination of joint efforts in counteraction of modern challenges has been outlined among one of the vectors of cooperation.

It was highlighted that adoption of the Resolution on Cooperation Between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea is a proud for not only the countries of the region but also for the CIS countries. In this context, having congratulated the Head of the State on this remarkable events, the participants of the session confirmed the willingness of the sides to continue comprehensively supporting constructive initiatives of Turkmenistan.

It was also mentioned that cooperation under competent international organizations, especially under the UN and OSCE, where at present time consolidation of peace and security are the main factors, is among priority directions of the partnership between the Commonwealth countries.

Having expressed the gratitude to the heads of the delegations for constructive speeches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov finishing the exchange of the opinions provide Turkmenistan’s point of view on current problems of economic cooperation under the Commonwealth taking into account the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS.

Warmly greeting the heads of the Governments of the CIS countries in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to all for the accepted invitation to gather together in Ashgabat for discussion of current subjects of cooperation under the Commonwealth. Having noted that all countries members have actively prepared to current meeting, the Head of Turkmen state expressed the confidence that it would have efficiency and success.

The President of Turkmenistan continued that regular session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments, which agenda includes number of important subjects, is held according to agreed schedule. Having expressed the confidence that relative decisions would be taken on these subjects, the President outlined further development of trade and economic cooperation between the CIS countries among the main subjects.

For Turkmenistan, this direction of the partnership under the Commonwealth is priority. The Head of the State highlighted that we consider that it requires special attention, coordination of efforts in such perspective sections as energy, industry transport and trade.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke for the necessity of systematic and addressed collaboration in these spheres, development of joint projects oriented to strategic objectives for bringing of the CIS countries to continental and intercontinental economic relations in West – East and North – South directions.

Today, the Commonwealth needs wide and strong integration relations of international significance, which stipulate the participation of our countries in big infrastructural projects not only in the CIS but beyond its border. Speaking of this, the President highlighted that logics of modern global development dictates the necessity of strategic vision of perspectives of the Commonwealth, clear designation of its role as big economic entity, which is able to realize large-scale projects involving the CIS space and neighbouring regions.

This is the only way the Commonwealth would be able to become an attractive place of multilateral economic cooperation for our countries and integrational structures, perspective partner for international investment funds and financial institutes. It is obvious that acting only within own borders we would never achieve this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Therefore, Turkmenistan stands for expansion of cooperation horizons promoting the idea of the CIS cooperation in implementation of big transport, energy, communication projects in the south, east and west of the Commonwealth space, for which labour, resources, production and technological capabilities are available.

The CIS is a natural territory covering Asia and Europe and we have to use this advantage by maximum. We should not wait for the partners from other countries would come to us but we have to create new grounds of economic growth and accelerated development, to offer beneficial and perspective projects to other state ourselves, the Leader of the nation said. Turkmenistan sees strategic perspective for the Commonwealth of Independent States in this.

Earlier, our country proposed relative initiatives, which were supported by the CIS members in general, for which Turkmen side expresses gratitude to them. Today, we are looking forward detailed discussion of further joint steps in this direction, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having noted that it would be good to share the opinions and proposals on increment of trade and its diversification. There all capabilities, good developments, useful practice of joint activity, which has to be used by maximum, for this.

We hope for more efficient coordination of our work from the side of the CIS Economic Council, expect its proposals aimed at specification of our partnership and commitment to final results, Turkmen leader said.

At the same time, the Head of the State noted that the main approaches to activation of cooperation in economic spheres and its priority are laid out in the draft Declaration on strategic economic cooperation of the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which is planned to be held at the session of the Heads of the States of the CIS in Ashgabat in October this year.

Having outlined the provision of peace and security in the CIS as an important subject, the Head of the State said that it is important to keep the stability and good neighbourhood based on understanding , trust, transparency and respect on the background of current complicated foreign processes, which are observed in number of the regions in the world.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also expressed the confidence that more focused collaboration of the CIS countries is required in the world arena, at the fields of competent international organizations. In this regard, back in October 2017, Turkmenistan proposed to activate the contact of foreign departments of the Commonwealth and to develop middle-term action programme for these purposes. The draft document has been developed. Its adoption is planned at the next session of the Council of the Foreign Ministers of the CIS in Ashgabat on October 10.

Proper attention is paid to the cooperation of our countries in cultural and humanitarian sphere. As a chairing country of the CIS this year, Turkmenistan plans to conduct number of interesting cultural events, the Head of the State said, having invited the friends from the Commonwealth countries to participate.

Having noted tight schedule of the agenda of current session and expressed the confidence that it would be accomplished, the Head of Turkmenistan wished fruitful work to everyone.

After, going over the review of the date and place of the next session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to Chairman of the executive Committee, executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev.

Having announced the decision to hold next session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments in Moscow on October 25, 2019, the Head of the state noted that all issues of the agenda of the meeting in narrow format are completed.

After, the session was continued in extended format with participation of the delegations of the CIS countries as well as representatives of mass media.

Addressing the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again warmly welcomed the heads of the Governments of the Commonwealth in Ashgabat, having expressed the gratitude to the participants of the session for accepted invitation, active and fruitful joint work at all stages of current meeting.

Turkmen leader highlighted that being an original unique association, the Commonwealth of Independent States carries out its activity in new political and economic condition, which are stipulated by the tendencies of global development.

In this regard, thoughtful and deep analysis of the processes in the modern world is required. It is necessary for adequate and modern response to the changes in the world politics and economy, definition of clear approaches to the development of the main directions of work under the CIS.

Our countries, which are connected by geographic location and history, numerous humanitarian links, would have to find deserved place in this ever changing conditions. Undoubtedly, every state and every nation has right to choose their own way, where, with who and what directions to cooperate in, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the CIS countries have to use all those objective advantages, which we have, first of all in geographical economics aspect, for full, efficient and equal participation in global and continental processes.

Initiatives of Turkmenistan on bringing of the partnership under the CIS to wider geographic and economic horizons are aimed at this in the first place. The Leader of the Nation explained that this is about known proposals in transport, logistics and energy spheres, which Turkmenistan made at the CIS Summit in Sochi in 2017. As is known, the meaning of these proposals is in more active participation of the CIS countries in implementation of large-scale infrastructural projects in Eurasia in the East – West and North – South directions, which go beyond the Commonwealth.

There are good examples of the realization of such projects with participation of the CIS countries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued. New Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran railroad, which is able to transport up to 10 – 12 million tons of cargo per year, makes opportunities for all countries of the CIS to connect to transport infrastructure in southern direction to the Persian Gulf and Middle East. Turkmenistan builds new transit corridor with Uzbekistan, which would allow to the enter seaports of Iran, Oman and India by the shortest route.

The Head of the State noted that we actively work together with Azerbaijan on efficient connection of Central Asian, Caspian and Black Sea regions. As a fact, ramified, integrated transport network covering huge continental space is formed up. In such configuration, the participation of the CIS countries is natural and beneficial. It also merges the logics of provision of legal interests of the CIS countries, which have no entry to sea.

In this aspect, special emphasis has been laid on the fact that the construction and modernization of Turkmenbashy Port was completed at the Caspian Coast of Turkmenistan in May last year. Noting key role of Caspian Sea in general in the context of Eurasian economic cooperation, Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Caspian Sea is to become strategic hub of consolidation of business interests of not only coastal countries but other states as well including the CIS members.

The initiative of Turkmen side on call of the first Caspian Economic Forum, which would be held in Turkmenbashy on August 12, was dictated by this. It is expected that serious and detailed conversation about the perspectives of cooperation in Caspian Sea in such broad context will be held at the fields of the forum. Taking the opportunity, the President invited the delegations of all countries of the CIS to take part in the forum.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan noted the currency of the participation of the Commonwealth countries in the implementation of multilateral projects in energy sphere. At first, this is about long-term supplies of energy carriers to neighbouring CIS regions in eastern and southern directions – China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India. Number of the Commonwealth countries are in the rank of the largest producers and suppliers of hydrocarbons in Eurasia.

Strong resource base and transit advantages make it possible to implement large-scale unique projects for supply of energy carriers to international markets. Gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China, which part crosses Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, is a bright example.

The same can be said about Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline, which is constructed rapidly. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that this project opens perspectives for participation of interested CIS countries in different formats. This is about the construction of relative infrastructure, services, supplies of equipment and machinery, which are necessary for fulfilment of the project.

Stating the reasonability of such cooperation, its compliance with common interests, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that potential of the Commonwealth is not yet fully opened in such perspective sphere as communications. Only the presence of modern and reliable infrastructure in this sphere will allow the CIS countries to merge into the system of the world economy and to enter leading positions of trade and economic partnership in the continent in future.

Ground-breaking ceremony of fibre optic line Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan has been held on February 23 last year. Having noted that this event is considered as the beginning of realization of the plans for creation of wide communication network covering many states and entire regions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urged the CIS partners to study the opportunities of their participation in implementation of these projects.

Addressing the participants of the session, the President also highlighted the partnership in innovative development and high technologies sphere as an actual subject of cooperation.

It is necessary to consolidate the efforts in this direction, to give bright innovative character, digital dimension to the economies of the Commonwealth countries, the Head of the State noted, having spoken for the feasibility of preparation of specific proposals by relative structures and the CIS Executive Committee.

Undoubtedly, trade under the CIS, increment of trade volumes and its diversification remain the most important subject. Structural compatibility of our economies, practice of joint trade activity allows us working efficiently, improve the mechanisms of economic relations and trade operations, entering the projects in production cooperation, service sphere, Turkmen leader highlighted.

In this aspect, the role of boundary and regional trade, small and medium business seems to be very important. In this regard, we aim at the closer cooperation between business communities with the entry to joint projects, wide organization of exhibition and fairs under the CIS, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

Issues of reliable peace and security remain important subjects of the agenda of the cooperation under the CIS. The CIS space is in close proximity from the places of international tension.

Turkmenistan developed the Draft Programme of actions for activation of the partnership between foreign departments of the Commonwealth countries for giving of proper impulse to this work, which was sent to all CIS countries for review. Our country highly appreciates the proposals and recommendations to the Draft Programme from these countries, the President noted, having expressed the confidence that it would be adopted in agreed period and would be starting point for activation of further joint work.

Activity in international organizations, especially in the UN and OSCE, remains key vector of foreign cooperation of the CIS countries. It is necessary to enforce the coordination of work of our countries in these structures and to make joint initiatives and proposals in the spheres where common interest of the Commonwealth countries are obvious, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having outlined combating against terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, cyber crime and provision of information security in general among current directions. Issues of energy cooperation, ecology, food security and migration policy are also of the same importance.

Cultural and humanitarian sphere remains strong and reliable link of the CIS countries and nations. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight that many things have been done and continued to be carried out in this direction, cooperation is steadily developed and involves new areas. Which is most important is that such cooperation is fully supported by the people of the CIS countries.

In 2019, being a chairing country of the CIS, Turkmenistan prepared number of cultural events, which have been started already. Children and youth subjects, student and teacher exchanges have to take an important place in development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation. We consider for initiative role of the CIS Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation in this case and are willing to render support and assistance to it, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Having accepted chairing of the Commonwealth of Independent States in this year, Turkmenistan approached this mission with full responsibility. We clearly understand that our cooperation is so important that very often it directly touch the interests and current needs of people living in our countries, the Leader of the nation highlighted. In this case, it is important to keep respect and equal rights in relations between the CIS countries, to consider the interests of each other, ability to find compromise and mutually accepted solutions if necessary.

Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that the potential of the CIS, which is based on talent and hard work of our nations, rich historical experience, is huge and versatile.

After, the President of Turkmenistan gave floor to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the Executive Secretary of the CIS who presented the information on the subjects reviewed at the session in narrow format.

It was informed that substantial exchange of the opinions on actual directions of economic cooperation in the Commonwealth of Independent States has been held during the above-mentioned meeting. By the proposal of the Russian Federation, it was decided to hold next session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments in Moscow on October 25, 2019. At the same time, the Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee presented the points of agenda to be reviewed at the meeting in extended format.

After, the preparation of the Draft Interstate Programme of innovative cooperation of the CIS countries until 2030 has been reviewed. In this regard, Turkmen leader gave floor to Chairman of the CIS Interstate Council for cooperation in scientific, technical and innovative spheres, Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shumilin.

It was mentioned that at present time, the process of realization of similar Interstate Programme until 2020, adopted by the decision of the CIS Council of the Head of the Governments on October 18, 2011, is carried out. Relative cooperation between the CIS countries has been established, national structures of innovative development have been formed, relative regulatory and methodological base including 31 documents, 6 of which were adopted in 2018, have been made for the period of the Programme implementation of 10 interstate innovative projects, which already bring specific results for the economies of the Commonwealth countries, is carried out.

Taking into account that this Programme has well recommended itself and for further intensification of cooperation in this direction, the Interstate Council proposed an initiative on development of the Draft Interstate Programme until 2030. Its main objectives is the development of interstate innovative space uniting the capabilities of innovative systems of th CIS countries.

Taking into account that there were no questions on the report, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed on the decision of the Council on development of the Draft Interstate Programme of Innovative Cooperation of the CIS countries until 2030.

After, the floor was given to the Head of Federal Customs Service of Russia Vladimir Bulavin who made a speech about the Agreement on cooperation of customs authorities of the Commonwealth countries in the sphere of protection of rights of intellectual property.

The presenter said that for improvement of cooperation of these structures in protection of rights of intellectual property and combating counterfeiting, the CIS Council of the Heads of Customs Services has developed the Draft Agreement providing the creation of legal foundations for exchange of relative information, which was submitted for signing today.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that taking into account the absence of questions in this Agreement, the Council suggests to sign the document.

Going over to the next point of the agenda on the first Deputy Head of the CIS Antiterrorism Centre, the President of Turkmenistan gave floor to Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev who informed that it is proposed to appoint the representative of Kazakhstan, Colonel Janat Saypoldayev to this post. According to the Provision on Antiterrorist Centre, his candidacy was approved by relative structures of the CIS.

Having announced the decision of the Council on appointment of Janat Saypoldayev as the First Deputy Head of the CIS Antiterrorist Centre, the head of Turkmen state congratulated him on the appointment and wished fruitful work.

Having informed that taking into account achieved agreement, the rest of the documents would be signed without discussion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the CIS Executive Committee to start the next procedure.

Significant package of documents aimed at further development of constructive cooperation in the Commonwealth, strengthening of beneficial partnership in different spheres has been signed by the outcomes of the session.

Upon the completion of signing ceremony, having expressed the gratitude to all participants of the meeting for fruitful work, the President of Turkmenistan announced the end of the session of the CIS Council of the heads of the Government.

Outcomes of the session were presented at the press conference after the completion of the session.

Speaking to the press, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev highlighted the efficiency of the session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments. In the end, on behalf of the CIS Executive Committee and personally, Sergey Lebedev expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for support and assistance not only in organization of current session but also in organization of cooperation in the CIS format.

The President of Turkmenistan gave official diner in honour of the Heads of the CIS delegations where he addressed the participants of the session with the speech.

On the same day, head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov.

Therefore, the session of the CIS Council of the Heads of the Governments in Ashgabat has demonstrated again active position of neutral Turkmenistan in the subjects of development of versatile cooperation in the CIS space.