Ï Scientists make ecological maps of Turkmen lake

Scientists make ecological maps of Turkmen lake

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Specialists of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have completed hydro chemical studies of collection and drainage waters of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake system. Based on the data of biotic factors and level of salinity of secondary waters, ecological maps, which would be the target for development of agriculture, livestock farming and fishery in arid zone, have been made.

Head of Chemistry and Environmental Ecology Laboratory Chary Kuliyev explained that this work is related with the deficiency of water in the world and is aimed at rational use of water resources in the country in conditions of irrigated farming and water management in arid zone.

According to specialists, around 10 cubic kilometres of used water was discharged to Amudarya and flooded pastures and 50 cubic kilometres collected in Sarykamysh Lake. Utilization of collection and drainage water by uniting of all water from farms in the main collectors allowed making single system for collection and diversion of secondary water to ecologically safe place – the Garashor Hollow. Thus, the problem of environment protection and rational use of water resources has been solved.

Studies of the scientists of the Institute of Chemistry showed that the system of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake could be widely used for irrigated farming, livestock farming and fishery. Total length of all drainage collectors of unique aquatic facility is 2,859 kilometres plus 1,553 kilometres of canals, which were built in the velayats, leading to the main collector. For six years of study and calculations with application of irrigation coefficients, the specialists found optimum points of salinity in any place of the system and made up ecological map of possible use of saline collector and drainage waters for irrigation of pastures and agricultural lands surrounding the system.

At the same time, the Scinec Publishing House printed the monograph dedicated to ecological and hydro chemical bases of using of the waters of Altyn Asyr Lake and Sarykamysh Hollow. Both the map and monograph became the target for agricultural specialists like ecologists, agronomists, chemists, tenants, farmers, entrepreneurs who develops generous lands of the region.

At the next stage of the study, the specialists of Chemistry and Ecology Laboratory specified the zones for using of the system of collector and drainage waters of Altyn Asyr Lake in the conditions of arid climate for livestock farming, camel breeding and fishery. Based on centuries – old practice of livestock breeding in arid zones and characteristics of collector and drainage waters, the chemists divided surrounding region into zones where livestock farming and fishery are possible depending on the permissible level of salinity of water for different animals. Based on scientific data, ecological map of using of the system of collector and drainage waters for consumption by animals in conditions of arid climate on example of Altyn Asyr Lake has been made.

Innovative solutions suggested by the chemists will be scientific foundation for the development of this region. Today, the specialists of the laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry continue the study of the impact of collector and drainage waters on other regions of the country.