Ï Oleg Kononenko: Achievements of Turkmenistan in the Olympic movement are undisputable

Oleg Kononenko: Achievements of Turkmenistan in the Olympic movement are undisputable

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Congratulation from spaceman Oleg Kononenko has come to the address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on occasion of the World Bicycle Day.

“Let me extend my cordial congratulations to you and to all Turkmen people on the World Bicycle Day, the message says.

The World Bicycle Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by the initiative of Turkmenistan on 2018, became bright evidence of the recognition of the state policy for wide implementation of healthy life style and comprehensive popularization of physical culture and sport under your leadership.

For spacemen, physical health is one of key components of successful professional activity and personally, I support your efforts for promotion of sport and health not only in Turkmenistan but also in the world.

The achievements of Turkmenistan on the Olympic movement are undisputable recently, which is indicated by successful V Asian Games in Ashgabat in 2017. Your personal passion and success in sport and physical culture is also known, which is an excellent example to follow especially for younger generation.

As a native of Turkmenistan, I am very proud that initiative of my homeland on declaration of the World Bicycle Day was unanimously support in the world. This is an evidence of growing authority of Turkmenistan, loyalty to your course aimed at propaganda of healthy life style, sport and physical training.

Dear Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, let me again extend my sincere congratulations on this holiday, I wish you strong health, inexhaustible energy and new outstanding success in your political and government activity.

Kindly pass my congratulations and wishes of peace and prosperity to Turkmen nation.”