Ï The President of Turkmenista congratulates his countrymen of the World Bicycle Day

The President of Turkmenista congratulates his countrymen of the World Bicycle Day

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The World Bicycle Day is an international celebration highlighting the importance of such everlasting values as peace and solidarity, health and high spirit. it opens wide opportunities for development and popularization of sport as a messenger of peace, establishment of fruitful cooperation in this field, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkmen nation said.

We welcomes this holiday with special enthusiasm this year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. Cultural and public, physical training and sport events, cycling races, specialized exhibitions and cultural contests are held in honour of the World Bicycle Day.

The message mentions that cycling has received mass character in the country, cycling runs became one of the ways of active leisure. Therefore, the interest in this sport is growing every day while physical training and sport are asserted as an integral component of the culture of our society.

Big work has been done in the country recently owing to creative work of our committed and united nation. Large-scale projects have been accomplished, reforms aimed at the provision of prosperous life of Turkmenistan citizens, assertion of the principles of healthy life style, strengthening of physical and spiritual health of growing generation have been implemented. Modern stadiums, sport schools, equestrian complexes and open sport grounds provided with advanced equipment have been built in the regions and capital. Success in development of sports and the Olympic movement is also significant.

It is highlighted in the message of the Head of the State that development of sport of high achievements, strengthening of international cooperation and sport diplomacy are the priorities of the state policy. Being a members of International Olympic Committee and Olympic Council of Asia, Turkmenistan hosted big international competitions – V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 and the World Weightlifting Championship, which became the evidence of the entry of national sport to new level.

Together with other sports, we pay great attention to the development of cycling in our country, which is included to the programme of the Olympic Games and very popular. Indoor cycling track, which meets relative standards and approved by the International Cycling Union, has been built in the Olympic village of the capital. Construction of the monument dedicated to the World Bicycle Day is carried out under high rates in one of beautiful place of Ashgabat.

Very soon, we plan to hold another two big sport competitions on high organizational level in the Olympic village. These are the World Sambo Championship and the World Track Cycling Championship. It opens new opportunities for the development of global cooperation in sports as an important direction of the foreign policy of our state, which is full and active member of International Olympic movement, the message of the President highlights.