Ï Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy

Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy

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Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Harmonic development and health of young citizens are the priorities of the State policy
Turkmenistan marked International Children Day, to which many bright events organized all over the country have been timed. Congratulating countrymen on this wonderful holiday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that children, which we are proud of and love, is a generation, which is to improve the authority of the country in the world arena”.

Integrated system of government support, protection of mother and child health, education f growing generation starting from legal provision to the implementation of the best practices in this field, is made in Turkmenistan for this.

Not a single child should remain without this attention, therefore, the first objectives of the state, which has been successfully solved, is the formation of healthy and safe environment with comprehensive conditions for physical and spiritual development of children, reveal of their abilities and talents. All modern pedagogical programmes, educational reforms in the country, huge government investments to education, health protection, development of sport and infrastructure of active leisure are aimed at this.

New apartments given on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the families with many children is one of the demonstrations of such comprehensive care. Every year, the mothers who born and educated eight or more children are awarded with honoured title of Turkmenistan Ene mähri. This is a good thing that tradition of having many children was not lost as it happened in many other countries but revived in new age.

Modern medical centres Ene mähri, which were built in the capital and different regions of the country, provide qualified medical aid to the population and are big scientific centres at the same time, which make studies aimed at the improvement of mother and child health and family planning.

Successful implementation of national programmes on breast feeding and combating anaemia has also received high assessment from big international organizations. In particular, almost all obstetric facilities of the country was awarded with high title of the Hospital of Friendly Treatment of Child, which is official approved by the Who experts.

The Head of the State give special role to the development of international partnership in all these directions including the cooperation with the UNICEF, which takes an active part in successful programmes of protection of maternity and childhood in the country.

Our country has achieved significant success in medical assistance. considerable reduction of diseases, high level of children immunization are among these achievements. Physical training and sport movement is expanded, large-scale educational activity aimed at the promotion of high moral values is carried out.

Great attention is paid in the state to support of children with limited capabilities, which provides the complex of legal guarantees, economic and social measures.

High results were achieved in Turkmenistan in realization of ecological policy as well as in the sphere of culture and recreation, organization of informative and useful rest of children, different cultural contests of national and international levels as well as participation of children and teenager collectives of the country in international contests and festivals. Turkmen students deservingly represent the country at thematic contests, which bring together young intellectuals from dozens of states and at sport competitions.

Assertion of healthy life style of the population with emphasis on attraction of children to regular sport training, for which excellent conditions have been made, is an important direction of social policy of Head of the Stat Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It cannot help saying about children recreation centres located in Gyokdere and Avaza National tourist zone on Caspian Coast. Similar recreation facilities have been built in the regions. Children will have many interesting events, meetings, cultural and sport activities, intellectual and art contests during summer holidays in these places.

Efforts of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are aimed at the provision of wealthy and happy life of children and creation of all conditions for personal growth and self-realization.

International Children Day was marked with number of concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions, contests, sport and health improving events. Opening of the first children beauty parlour “Ay Peri”, which is positioned as the centre of family recreation, where children can have a good time, was not left unnoticed in the bright palette.

System of pre-school education where advanced programmes of early study are implemented received active development in the country. At the same time, the activity for improvement of qualification of teachers including in digital education is stimulated on the government level.

Investments to buildings, roads and bridges, industrial facilities is the base of our economic success. According to the head of the state, building of human infrastructure as a basis for preparing of our children to the future in order to achieve success in school and life, to bring the input to the development of native country when they grow up are the most important thing for this success. That is why, modern kindergartens, schools, physical and health improving complexes and recreation facilities are built in all regions.

Joy in children faces is the best evidence of efficiency of the state policy aimed at comprehensive development, health and prosperity of young citizens.