Ï President of Turkmenistan: we continue the work on developing physical culture and sports movement

President of Turkmenistan: we continue the work on developing physical culture and sports movement

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Turkmenistan celebrates the World Bicycle Day, declared by the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This is a vivid evidence of the high appreciation and recognition of the success of the efforts taken by the President of Turkmenistan in the development of sports and health-improving movement, the establishment of the ecological world outlook in society as the basis for sustainable development at the national level and in the global dimension.

In the policy, pursued by the President of Turkmenistan, the environmental growth strategy is integrated with economic and social models, all important government decisions, and sectoral programs implemented in our country. It is aimed at creating the best living conditions for people, improving its quality. The head of state has set up such wonderful traditions as regular mass bike races that bring together thousands of Turkmen citizens.

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the grandiose festive vent, dedicated to the World Bicycle Day.

Early in the morning, thousands citizens of Ashgabat, riding their bicycles, gathered together near the park, where the Path of Health running along the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains starts. Among those present were the members of the government, heads of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments of the country, representatives of public organizations and the media, various labor groups, members of the diplomatic corps and employees of international organizations, students and schoolchildren.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived to the venue and welcomed all those present.

Congratulating everyone on the World Bicycle Day, the President noted that this international holiday promoted the careful attitude to environment, human health, as well as the development of sports and physical education.

“I am proud to say that this holiday was declared by the UN General Assembly on the initiative of Turkmenistan in April 2018”, the head of state emphasized.

“In our country, much attention is paid to the development of physical education and sports. The government carries out impressive work to improve the health of citizens, increase their life expectancy. The best conditions are created for physical education and sports, increasing the country's sports authority in the international arena”, the President continued.

“Special attention is paid to the development of cycling. Organization of a mass bike ride has become a good tradition in our country. Cycling, along with the development of the sports movement in the country, stimulates citizens to practice sports.

“Such actions contribute to improving the health of the population, raising the level of environmental well-being, promoting cycling”, the head of state said.

“In addition, being of health and educational value, mass sports events, combining recreational and educational functions, increase spiritual strength and energy. Therefore, we will continue to carry out tremendous work to strengthen the health of citizens, bring up a physically strong, industrious young generation, develop a mass physical culture and sports movement”, the President said.

Congratulating those present on the World Bicycle Day once again, the Turkmen leader wished everyone to remain committed to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture.