Ï New world record in bicycle racing is set in Ashgabat

New world record in bicycle racing is set in Ashgabat

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New world record in bicycle racing is set in Ashgabat
During the solemn ceremony, the official representative of the Guinness World Records congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the people of Turkmenistan on the World Bicycle Day and reported that on June 1, 2019, a new Olympic world record was set in the Olympic Village - the longest cycling parade along one line.

2019 people participated in the large-scale cycling event - in honor of this year’s motto “Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Prosperity”. Cyclists lined up at a certain distance from each other and cycled 3,300-meter distance around the Olympic Village.

Thus, Ashgabat has broken the record set in India on March 3, 2019. This fact is officially registered by Guinness World Records and confirmed by a certificate, awarded to Turkmenistan in frames of the celebrations in honour of the World Bicycle Day.