Ï UCI notes the role of the President of Turkmenistan in initiation of the World Bicycle Day

UCI notes the role of the President of Turkmenistan in initiation of the World Bicycle Day

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Director of the UCI David Lappartient made a speech at the opening ceremony of mass cycling race, which was timed to the World Bicycle Day in Turkmen capital.

Congratulating Turkmen leader on the celebration, the Head of International Cyclist Union noted an outstanding role of our country and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally in initiation of the World Bicycle Day, having expressed the delight with the scale of diplomatic work, which was supported by the UN country members.

In this regard, it was announced about the decision of the International Cyclist Union to award Turkmen leader with the Certificate of Appreciation.

Cycling received rapid development in Turkmenistan in the results of the efforts of the Head of the State as one of the President of the world who actively goes in for sports. Therefore, Mr Lappartient informed that the international Cycling Union decided to hold 2021 World Track Cycling Championship in Ashgabat.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave start to mass cycling race and headed the convoy.

Members of the Government of the country followed the Head of the State through parade arch, which was installed especially there. President of the ARETI International Holding I. Makarov and famous sportsmen were honoured guests of the celebration.

Having covered the distance of 15,000 meters along the Archabyl Avenue and Bitarap Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov finished at the final arch.