Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates his countrymen on the Eid Ai-Fitr

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates his countrymen on the Eid Ai-Fitr

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Eid Al-Fitr is one of wonderful celebration, which is enriched and improved with moral values of many nations, including Turkmens, their traditions and customs. Our nation, which has made long and glorious historical way, pays special respect Eid Al-Fitr from the old times as the celebration of spiritual and moral purity, humanity and kindness, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

This celebration was improved by centuries being passed from generation to generation, symbolizing our solidarity, the triumph of goodness and nobility, community of the ages, generations and nations.

Interesting and rich events are held in 2019, which is held in the country under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. Celebration cloths with different food are laid. Prayers are said wishing further improvement of the authority of our country in the world, its prosperity and progress. All these events unite our nation, which works selflessly, builds and creates, educate growing generation in the spirit of patriotism and humanity, improving our pride of historical past, today and future of the country, the message says.

Our glorious past is an integral part of the world history and culture. Creative power and spiritual potential of our nation are enormous. Efforts of Turkmens in the formation of moral values, careful protection and passing of national traditions from generations to generations, holidays, which reflect the ideals of our ancestors, are unlimted.

Spiritual values, live and family attitudes such as respect of elders and honouring of parents, hospitality, honesty and fairness male the basis of national education. Successfully implementing reforms in political, economic and cultural life of the country, relying on modern science and education, traditions and human values, we improve the ativity for education of younger generation.

We carry out an integrated work for popularization of our spiritual and moral values and development of national culture for respecting of historical and cultural heritage. This is great honour for each of us to make contribution to the consolidation of peace and friendship on the planet, rapprochement of the nations and strengthening of power of the Motherland and triumph of national interests.