Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in mass cycling race
Turkmenistan widely observed the World Bicycle Day, which was instituted by the United Nations General Assembly by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Many sports receive wide development in close cooperation with International Olympic Committee and various sport federation in the country today. Ashgabat has unique Olympic village where V Asian Indoor and Martial Art Games were held with triumph in 2017 and the World weightlifting Championship in November 2018. It is planned to hold the World Sambo Championship in the next year 2020.

Care of nation’s health, making of conditions for happy life of people are the priorities of the state policy. All reforms of the Head of the State and national programmes successfully implemented in Turkmenistan are based on the main values of our state and society – the human. Sport and healthy life style help him to reveal his potential completely. It is worth to highlight that Turkmen leader proves it by personal example.

On the day of celebration, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also taken part in grandiose celebration event timed to the World Bicycle Day.

Early in the morning, thousands of the resident of the capital have gathered with their bicycles near the park where the Path of Health starts. Members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis and military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments of the country, representatives of public organizations and mass media, different work groups, members of diplomatic corps and personnel on international organizations, students of the universities were among the participants.

President of the country came to the start point of mass cycling race. Everything was ready to start the race. The President of Turkmenistan addressed the participants with the speech.

Congratulating the participants of the event on the World Bicycle Day, the Head of the State noted that this international holiday, which is widely observed in all countries of the world, supports careful treatment of the environment, strengthening of people’s health as well as development of sport and physical culture.

“I would like to mention it with pride that this celebration was announced by the UN General Assembly by proposal of Turkmenistan in April 2018”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Our country pays great attention to development of physical culture and sport, carries out large-scale work for strengthening of citizens’ health, increment of longevity. The best conditions are made for people to go in for physical training and sports, the President continued.

Special attention is paid to the development of cycling. Having mass cycling race became our good tradition. Such actions supports the improvement of health of the population, increment of level of ecological prosperity, popularization of cycling, the Head of the state highlighted.

Having again congratulated the participants on the World Bicycle Day, the President wished all participants to stay committed to the principles of healthy life style and physical training.

After, the floor was given to official representative of the Guinness World Record , Mrs Sheida Subashi Gemigi.

First, the guest congratulated the President and people of Turkmenistan on the World Bicycle day, which was instituted by the UN General Assembly by the initiative of Turkmen leader.

Mrs Subashi informed that new world record has been set at the cycling exercise in the Olympic village on June 1, 2019. It was the longest lasting cycling parade in one line.

The participants of major cycling event lined up at certain distance from each other and ride around the Olympic village, having covered 3,300 meters.

Thus, Ashgabat beat the record, which was set in India on March 3, 2019. This fact was officially registered by the Guinness World Record and proved by relative certification, which was handed over at current event.

Increased interest of international community to the cycling owing to the UN Resolution on institution of the World Bicycle Day by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspires world sport public and informative circles to study the practice of our country in propaganda of the principles of healthy life style, especially cycling culture.

After the award ceremony of the certificate of the Guinness Record Book, the floor was given to Director of International Cyclist Union (UCI) David Lappartient.

Congratulating the Head of the State on the holiday, he noted the role of Turkmenistan and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally in initiation of the World Bicycle Day, having expressed his delight with the scale of diplomatic work in this direction. In this regard, it was announced about the decision of the UCI to award Turkmen leader with the Certificate of Appreciation.

In the results of the efforts of the Head of the State as one of the Presidents of the world who actively goes in for sport, he cycling received rapid development in Turkmenistan recently. Therefore, Mr Lappartient informed that the International Cyclist union delegated the right to host 2021 World Track Cycling Championship in the capital of our country Ashgabat.

In the end of his speech, the guest handed over relative certificate under the applauses of the participants. After, the President of Turkmenistan gave started to mass cycling race and headed the convoy.

Members of the Government of the country followed the Head of the State through parade arch, which was installed especially there. President of the ARETI International Holding I. Makarov and famous sportsmen were honoured guests of the celebration.

The President and participants of the race were greeted by popular singers and art collectives with music, dance and folk performances all way along the route until finish line.

Being the most eco-friendly transport, the bicycle is an excellent transport to use for travelling around the country. recently, the concept of ecological culture is heard more often in our society. It is used in different contexts, like in the aspects of global sustainable development, national social and economic policy, natural protection activity and moral education.

Speaking at the UN Summit on adoption o the Global Agenda after 2015 in the headquarter of the United Nations Organization in New York, the President of Turkmenistan said that it is impossible to reach social and economic development of the states and nations of the planet without care of the environment.

The Concept of the President implies reasonable management methods, scientific organization of production facilities and application of advanced technologies allowing avoiding unfavourable impact on the ecology. Stable ecological situation in Turkmenistan is good sample of the fact that it can be achieved and despite that intensive industrial development, ecological policy of the state brings positive results.

As is known, the monument, which will have to reflect rich history and modern achievements of the nations, is to be built in Ashgabat in honour of this international date. Turkmen land is located in the heart new famous Silk Road. In this regard, the Head of the State noted that monument of bicycle has to be built in the shape of the globe and symbolize the input of Turkmen people to the history of humanity.

It is worth mentioning that all diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan to foreign countries, having organized similar races all over the world, as well as national cycling federations and continental confederation, numerous cyclists in different countries have joined the celebration of the World Bicycle Day.

Cycling races are the most popular forms of socially important action held in many countries of the world to support various social, sport and ecological projects and ideas and according to our guests, who came to Ashgabat from different states, they have not seen such comprehensive scale of similar event.

Having covered the distance of 15,000 meters along the Archabyl Avenue and Bitarap Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entered the final ground of the race at the main square of the country with the State Tribune.

After mass cycling race organized in the capital on occasion of the World Bicycle Day, the Head of the State held the session with the participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis and Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan where issues related to further development of mass physical culture and sports in the country and assertion of the principles of healthy life style in the society.

During the meeting, having mentioned that adoption of relative Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day by the United Nations General Assembly by the initiative of Turkmenistan became an important event for all humanity, the President highlighted that this fact is another evidence of positive result of huge work, which is carried out in Turkmenistan for development of sport and physical and health improving movement and popularization of healthy life style.

It was highlighted that provision of ecological wealth in cities and villages, involvement of Turkmenistan citizens to regular physical training exercises, stimulation of sports of highest achievements are the main factors, which are to support the improvement of working and art activity of people and their creative energy.

Being committed to everlasting humanistic ideals of the Olympic movement, neutral Turkmenistan makes significant contribution to the improvement and expansion of international cooperation in sport sphere. Policy of the President in this direction gives results: national sport enters new levels.

This is indicated by the fact that the International Cyclists Union delegated the right to Ashgabat to host 2021 World Track Cycling Championship as well as by another Certificate of the Guinness Record Book for the longest lasting cycling parade in one line, which was held on June 1 in the Olympic village.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan made special mention of the importance of provision of proper conditions for training of Turkmen cyclists to coming prestige world tournament, having ordered to approach the solution of issues in this sphere on integrated basis.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also ordered to take measures for further popularization of the cycling among the youth, organization of interesting events, competitions, which would allow revealing new sport talents.

Finishing working session, the President of Turkmenistan wished strong health, family prosperity and success in solution of all set objectives to the participants.

After, the President of Turkmenistan received President of International Cyclist Union David Lappartient and head of ARETI International Holding Igor Makarov.

After the meetings, the Head of the State left the place of event.