Ï The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country

The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country

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The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
The President of Turkmenistan sends greetings to personnel of natural protection sphere of the country
Let me extend my congratulations on the World Environment Day! Our ancestors could always live in harmony with nature. For many years, it was firmly entrenched in the mind of our nation and the attitude to the environment was filled with new content. At present, primordial traditions of the nation are developed combining fundamental measures taken for solution of global issues of humanity, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to personnel of natural protection sphere of Turkmenistan says.

Provision of people’s life in favourable environment, careful and rational use of natural resources are the main objectives of the state policy in ecology in order to pass beautiful nature to coming generations. We have constructive cooperation on regional and international levels in this direction.

Any government programme implemented in the country is aimed at the improvement of social and living level of the nations, provision of dynamic development of all branches of national economy, creation of production facilities harmless for harmless, the message says.

At present time, the state have started and steadily carries out large-scale work for provision of ecological wealth of the country, successful solution of objectives set out in National Strategy for climate change and National Forest Programme, objectives of turning the country into blooming garden, enrichment of its flora and fauna, protection of unique nature.

The country also successfully carries out the work for improvement of legal and regulatory base of this sphere, which together with the activity for expansion of green zones, international conferences on ecology and environment in Turkmenistan visually indicate successful implementation of the state ecological policy.

In environmental protection, Turkmenistan pursues home and foreign policy of all-human significance. Support of international efforts for the achievement of sustainable development is an important direction of foreign policy of our state, the message highlights.

Having joined the dozens of the UN Conventions, the country approach the solution of objectives of sustainable development of the world community with full responsibility. In this context, we cooperate with the UN Development Programme and the UN Environment Programme, the World Ecology Fund, International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, Central Asia Regional Ecological Centre, German International Cooperation Society and many other international and regional structures, make new proposals aimed at the provision of ecological wealth.

Turkmenistan initiated number of approaches to the solution of environment protection subjects speaking at the sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, high-level conferences on sustainable development, rational use of water and energy resources and provision of food security, reduction of risks of natural catastrophes. We made new proposals for integrated solution of ecological issues of Aral sea region, protection of Caspian sea environment, which undoubtedly have regional and international significance. The programme of sustainable development of the United Nations is successfully implemented in the country.

The adoption of new international Agreement on climate change, the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, number of agreements between the heads of Caspian states, chairing of Turkmenistan in International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and its Interstate Commission for sustainable development are the evidence of approval and support of the initiatives of our state made on global level, the message of the President highlights.