Ï Maksat Meredov is bronze winner of the World Junior Weightlifting Championship

Maksat Meredov is bronze winner of the World Junior Weightlifting Championship

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Island State Fiji, which is located in the southern part of Pacific Ocean, was the centre of the world weightlifting for few days hosting the World Junior Weightlifting Championship in its capita Suva on June 1 – 8. Around 250 sportsmen from different countries took part in the competition.

National junior team of Turkmenistan was represented by four sportsmen and three referees.

Молодёжная сборная Туркменистана представлена на этом первенстве четырьмя спортсменами, вместе с которыми приехали трое судей.

It was stubborn battle in the weight category of 73 kg. In the result, our countryman, first grade student of national Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan Maksat Meredov won the bronze.

M. Meredov lifted 139 kg in snatch and 173 in clean and jerk, which makes 312 kg in total.

Cummungs J. Clarens (377 kg) from America was the winner in the weight category; sportsman from Moldova Robi Marin (320 kg) was the second.

The World Junior Weightlifting Championship is continued. National Turkmenistan team was inspired by current achievement and would continue contesting for medals.