Ï The Laws on Trademarks and Appellation of Origin of Goods are among legal acts adopted by the Parliament

The Laws on Trademarks and Appellation of Origin of Goods are among legal acts adopted by the Parliament

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Sixth session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation where number of new laws and regulatory and legal act has been adopted took place. Heads of some ministries and departments, representatives of mass media were invited to participate in the session.

Draft Laws on Trademarks and Appellation of Origin of Goods have been presented to deputies for review. The participants noted that large-scale programmes of modernization and diversification of national economy, rapid industrialization of the regions, intensification of agriculture and development of private buisness initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are successfully implemented these days.

Due to this fact, volumes and variety of production made in Turkmenistan grow every day. Construction of new industrial and processing facilities including with wide participation of private companies allowed saturating internal market with quality production, which successfully compete with foreign analogues as well as increasing their supplies to the world markets.

In general, all of these provides the urgency of new legal acts, which regulate the relation in the sphere of legal protection and use of trademarks and appellation of origin of goods. It is also very important in the context of activation of foreign trade activity of local enterprises, which master modern methods of business organization and marketing.

Further, the Draft Law on Psychological Services, which unanimously adopted, has been presented to the deputies for review.

The report of the Ombudsman, Authorised representative on human rights, which highlighted the main directions of the government policy for provision and respect of economic, social, cultural and political rights and freedoms of the citizens as well as analysed the outcomes of work in this sphere, has been presented at the session.

The deputies have also reviewed the Draft Laws on Amendments of the Criminal Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Notary and Notarial Activity, on Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Justice Authorities, on Amendments and Addendums of the Air Code of Turkmenistan, , on Addendums of Certain Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of Certain Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on Motor Roads and Road Activity, on Amendments and Addendums of the Tax Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on Enterprises, on Amendments of the Sanitary Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Physical Culture and Sports, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Legal Regulation of Development of Internet Network and Provision of Internet Services in Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Wastes, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Veterinary Activity, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Equestrian Breeding and Sports.

In addition, the Draft Resolutions of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Ratification of the Agreement of Strategic Partnership between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on Joining the Convention of International Labour Organization No. 144 from 1976 on Convention concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards, on Ratification of the Protocol on Amendments of the Convention between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Regard to Taxes on Income signed in Seoul on April 13, 2015, on Ratification of the Articles of the Agreement on Islamic Corporation for Development of Private Sector, on Ratification of the Articles of the Agreement on Islamic Corporation of Investments and Export Crediting Insurance, on Recognition of the Authorities of Deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Elected in Individual Electoral Districts.

In addition, number of other subjects has been discussed.

Draft legal acts, which have been brought out for review at the session of the Mejlis, were unanimously approved and adopted.

In the end, the deputies of National Parliament expressed the confidence that the above-mentioned legal documents would support the solution of objectives for rapid promotion of the country on the way of social, economic and democratic changes, having supplemented the legislation system of independent neutral Turkmenistan.