Ï National Parliament ratifies number of international documents

National Parliament ratifies number of international documents

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The Mejlis of Turkmenistan adopted the Resolutions on Ratification of the Agreement of Strategic Partnership between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on Joining the Convention of International Labour Organization No. 144 from 1976 concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards, on Ratification of the Protocol on Amendments of the Convention between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Regard to Taxes on Income signed in Seoul on April 13, 2015, on Ratification of the Articles of the Agreement on Islamic Corporation for Development of Private Sector, on Ratification of the Articles of the Agreement on Islamic Corporation of Investments and Export Crediting Insurance.