Ï President of Turkmenistan addresses scientific community of the country and participants of the international forum

President of Turkmenistan addresses scientific community of the country and participants of the international forum

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“I congratulate you on the Day of Science, as well as on the beginning of the work of the International Scientific Conference "Science, Technology and Innovations", says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the welcome message to the scientific community of the country and the forum participants.

“Science is the power of the state. We are working hard to ensure the dynamic development of our country, increase its competitiveness in the political, economic and cultural space of the world. Having set a goal to train highly qualified specialists who are able to implement the achievements of scientific and technological progress in practice, we invest huge amounts in the development of these areas.

“Based on knowledge and innovations, we modernize the national economy in order to bring it up to the world level, we achieve great success in the socio-economic development of the country, implementing large-scale projects. Improving the structure, management and legal framework of science, we successfully implement fundamental scientific and technical reforms, create all conditions for training highly qualified engineers and talented scientists who are able to deeply master modern knowledge”, says the President of Turkmenistan in his address.

“At present, we are successfully carrying out work on the systematic introduction of new technologies and information and communication equipment that meet international standards into scientific system. In this regard, the activity on the most competitive and fundamental scientific research, the creation of qualitatively new areas of scientific and technological developments has been intensified. We are taking all necessary measures to develop innovative industry and human capital, to attract talented young people in high-tech industry and science.

“Enhancing the potential of science in accordance with the Programme for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025, we attach great importance to the development of the national economic complex based on innovations, consolidation of interrelations of science, technology and production. In the dynamic development of economic sectors, priority is paid to fundamental, practical, theoretical scientific research, the latest developments of specialized scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions, experimental production laboratories, inter-sectoral scientific organizations.

“These works are of great importance for strengthening the economic potential of the state, improving the social and living conditions of the population, creating new industrial sectors, implementing major projects of global importance and national programmes.

“Using the opportunities of science and education in the interests of peace and friendship, Turkmenistan steadily increases cooperation with major international structures in this field. We bring cooperation with scientific and educational centres of the leading states of the world up to a qualitatively new level.

“The election of our country to the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development for 2017–2020 vividly proves the growing international prestige of our state in the field of science and education and stands as the evidence of the transformation of independent Turkmenistan into one of the harmoniously developing states in the socio-economic and innovation-technological aspect, its successful integration into the global scientific space”, emphasized the President of Turkmenistan in the Address.