Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines key vectors of development of agrarian sphere

The President of Turkmenistan outlines key vectors of development of agrarian sphere

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection and the State Water Management Committee. Issues of social and economic development of the country as well as subjects of agricultural complex and seasonal works at the fields have been reviewed at the meeting.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev. The vice-premier started his report with good news about successful fulfilment of contractual obligations on production of silk cocoons by silk producers. It was mentioned that the tenants has fulfilled the plan by 111.5 percent, having produced more than 2,262 tons of valuable material.

Balkan Velayat produced more than 25 tons of silk cocoons, having executed the plan by 100 percent. More than 156 and 434 tons were produced in Ahal Velayat and Mary Velayat, having fulfilled the plan by 101 and 107 percent respectively. Silk producers of Lebap Velayat have delivered more than 1,142 tons to the state, having fulfilled the plan by 119 percent while silk producers f Dashoguz Velayat gave 503 tons, which makes 103 percent of the plan.

Having congratulated silk producers of the country with an important work victory, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that achieved result is deserving contribution to the strengthening of resource base of textile industry of the country.

Having focused on the importance of further development of national silk production, the Head of the State requested to hold all matters related to the enhancement of efficiency of works in this direction, increment of volumes of production, which is on high demand in the world, under permanent control. At the same time, the President gave relative assignments for organization of mass plantations of mulberry trees, which is the main base for production of silk cocoons.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minsters E. Orazgeldieyv has informed about seasonal agricultural works in the fields, including the growing rates of the wheat harvest campaign and care of the cotton crops.

It was mentioned that special work plans have been developed for organized campaign and collection of produced yield in short period without any loss and all measures are taken for provision of uninterrupted work of grain harvesters and delivery of wheat to reception facilities.

Grain growers of Balkan and Dashoguz Velayat have started the mowing on June 12. Special commission, which are composed of representatives of local administration, relative departments and facilities, which hold under permanent control the issues related to production of grain, have been established for practical help to the farmers.

Collection of straw and ploughing of land is carried out at the same time at the fields left after the wheat. All payments to the producers for delivered grain are settled. In addition, works for inter-row cultivation, tipping of the plants and mineral fertilization are carried out according to agrotechnical standards at the fields under the cotton.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of systematic improvement of all structures of agricultural complex including in etraps, implementation of efficient financial and economic mechanisms for encouragement of farmers and land owners.

The Head of the state gave number of assignments to the Vice-premier on organized grain harvest campaign, collection of the yield in optimum period without any loss as well as on the provision of proper storage of grain. It is necessary to hold under permanent control quality fulfilment of agrotechnical activities for the cotton crops, the President highlighted.

The Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev reported on the situation if the structures under his supervision and the measures for enhancement of efficiency of the sphere, bringing of it in accordance with time requirements, improvement of quality and expansion of services provided to the farmers.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted the significance of implementation of the world practice and latest technologies into activity of all departments of the Ministry. Subjects related to successful large-scale changes in agricultural complex require scientific and comprehensive approach, the Head of the State said, having given certain instructions to the Minister on this account.

In his turn, Chairman of the State Water Management Committee A. Yazmyradov made a report on the work for improvement of water provision of agricultural fields of the country as well as on fulfilment of the assignments for steadfast expansion of the potential of the branch.

The President of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments on rational use of water resources in agriculture, active implementation of modern water saving technologies to the Chairman. The Head of the State noted that the utmost attention has to be paid to water management section and that successful solution of the objectives in this field directly depends on development of agricultural complex, environment protection and creation of conditions for comfortable life of the population.

During the session, the Vice-premier M. Chakiyev has informed about the work of transport and communication complex including about cargo vehicles involved in delivery of grain from the fields to reception facilities.

Having highlighted the role and important of transport section in provision of conditions for dynamically developing of all branches of national economy, the Head of the State gave number of specific assignments on increment of volumes of cargo and passenger transportation, improvement of quality of services as well as on efficient use of cargo vehicle fleet during the harvest campaign.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in financial, economic and banking spheres under his supervision as well as on organization measures for timely settlement of payments with grain producers of the country.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan requested to hold under control the implementation of state and national programmes of development. Having noted that transit to digital economy is one of the key vectors of work, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Speaking of the payments to the tenants for the grain delivered to the state, the President pointed out the appropriateness of encouraging of work of farmers who produce rich yields of agricultural crops.

Having highlighted again that great attention is paid to the improvement of activity of agricultural complex, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of scientific approach to solution of the objectives for improvement of lands’ fertility and production of agricultural crops, rational use of water and land resources.

It is necessary to activate selection work, study and implement the best world practice in seed production sphere as well as advanced technologies and modern management methods together with scientists, the President of Turkmenistan said, having given number of specific assignments to relative officials.

Outlining the utmost tasks for provision of food safety of the State, saturation of the market with various agricultural production, the Head of the State highlighted that requirement of the population in fresh fruits and vegetables has to be satisfied at any time of the year. Provision of high quality and, which is most important, eco-friendliness of production have to be the priority aspect of the work in this sphere, the President continued.

Speaking of efficient use of hothouse farms, which are built all around the country recently, the Head of the State pointed out that it is necessary to attract local entrepreneurs and business structures, which have to improve their input to production of various food products, more actively in this sphere.

Finishing working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants success in solution of set objectives, which are to provide the implementation of multidimensional potential of agricultural complex of the country.