Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates winners of the youth scientific works contest

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates winners of the youth scientific works contest

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Development of science and education, implementation of scientific developments to the branches of national economy, improvement of scientific potential of the country are our main goals. We pay great attention to bringing of national science to the world level in our country, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

The youth is our future. Success and achievement of our state are directly connected with the activity of younger generation. Efforts of Magtumguly Youth Organization have to be aimed at comprehensive support of scientific work of young people, at help to the most talented scientist and their personal growth.

Discoveries of young scientists, their innovative experience, scientific and engineering ideas, studies in different spheres are important for strengthening of the power of the state, especially in digitization of national economy. Care of students of secondary and high educational institutes, the youth, which is involved in different branches of the economy and culture, is one of spheres of close attention of the state.

We made the most favourable conditions for mastering of advanced practice by young scientists, specialists and students, their fruitful scientific activity, cultural work in the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Technical Park and profile scientific and research facilities.

According to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, we carry out necessary work for modernization of the branches of the economy, scientific and educational spheres, provision of them with modern equipment. We open high technology innovation centres, scientific and research structures and high schools for the youth willing to use their scientific and artistic abilities, the message mentions.

We are proud of success of our young scientists and students at international scientific and education contests. We are very pleased that the studies made by scientific and research institutes, high educational facilities, the Centre of Young Scientists under the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organizations as well as discoveries of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists support the solution of current issues of social and economic development of the country.

At present time, support in mastering of modern professions, improvement of theoretical knowledge, enhancement of practical skills, study of digital technologies and technological practice is the our main objective. Success of young scientists opens wide capabilities for further development of the country. Our independent state would continue all conditions for scientific activity of youth and development of new scientific fields, the message of the President highlights.