Ï Vectors of modernization of scientific and educational sphere are outlined at the session in the Academy of Sciences

Vectors of modernization of scientific and educational sphere are outlined at the session in the Academy of Sciences

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session dedicated to the Day of Science at the Academy of Sciences. Opening the meeting with participation of the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, deputies of the Mejlis, heads of ministries and departments, administrations of Ashgabat and velayats, public organizations, universities, mass media as well as scientists and professors, the Head of the State congratulated the participants and entire scientific community on the celebration.

We have gathered today here on the Day of Science to discuss the issues of further implementation of large-scale reforms in science and education spheres of the country, the President said. Success and achievements in these fields would be marked and further objectives in these directions would be outlined at the meeting.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to relative leader who made reports and proposals on the above-mentioned subjects.

On behalf of scientific community, President of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan S. Toyliyev, who spoke first, congratulated the Head of the State on the Day of Science.

According to well-thought scientific and technical policy of Turkmen leader, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has been instituted 11 years ago. It gave start to fundamental reforms in this sphere. The structure of scientific and research institutes of the Academy has been significantly improved, the role of science in acceleration of scientific and technical progress of the country and in implementation of the state programmes has been increased.

It was highlighted that management, financing, structure and legal base of scientific sphere have been gradually modernized in the result of the reforms aimed at long-term perspective. The state programmes of training of scientific personnel, development of natural, precise, social and humanitarian studies, innovative activity, improvement of efficiency of scientific researches and innovative technologies, development of intellectual property, study and popularization of cultural heritage have been adopted.

It was highlighted that the President directs the implementation of scientific and educational potential of the country for the sake of universal peace, friendship and progress. Cooperation with big international organizations, foreign scientific centres in this structure is strengthened based on international and interstate agreements and joint scientific projects.

The Head of the state repeatedly proposed scientifically grounded initiatives at the sessions of the UN General Assembly for provision of ecological safety in Central Asia and Caspian Region, development of cooperation in energy in regional and global scale, formation of transport and transit corridors. All initiatives found wide support.

Creative home and foreign policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his huge merits in development of science received wide international recognition. Conferring of number of honoured titles and scientific grades to the Head of Turkmenistan is a visual evidence of this fact.

In the end of his speech, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan wished the Head of the State strong health, longevity and new outstanding success in his versatile activity.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the state highlighted that at present time, improvement of efficiency of scientific studies in all branches of the economy, expansion of directions of using of the potential of scientific and research institutes and high schools become more urgent. In this context, the Head of the State gave specific assignments for solution of relative objectives. It includes the following:

- improvement of role of science in further acceleration of the rates of social and economic progress of the country, development of economy based on advanced technologies, innovations and scientific achievements;
- enforcement of the attention to the training of high qualified scientific personnel and to scientific and research works;
- deep study of the processing of organic and non-organic materials, minerals and hydrocarbon resources;
- continuation of works for discovery of new materials of construction, industrial, textile and social purpose and development of energy saving technologies.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted that it is necessary to create new mineral fertilizers, to carry out selection work in plant production and livestock farming. It is necessary to establish a genetic fund of flora and fauna. Taking favourable influence of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake on the ecology of our region, it is necessary to make deep study of flora and fauna of the lake, its water resources as well as to create new ecological zones, the Head of Turkmenistan noted.

At the same time, the President highlighted the necessity to carry out fruitful work for wide implementation of the potential of national satellite, to open modern transport and logistic centres, to make scientific foundation of political and economic importance of international transit and transport corridors.

After, the Head of the State gave floor to Minister of Education M. Geldiniyazov.

On behalf of professors and teachers of educational sphere, the Minister congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the Day of Science.

It was mentioned that Turkmen school and university students participate in international and state contests getting high results, which makes positive effect on training of future scientists and qualified specialists. Educational programmes and study materials are regularly updated, the content of study materials is added with new information and the system of digital education is developed, which is an important component of digitia economy.

Guided by experienced mentors, young specialists, scientists and students make scientific and research work in priority directions of science and technology.

Opening of new specialized high educational institutes in the most important directions and scientific and research centres in their structure together with enhancement of level and quality of education, efficiency of scientific studies indicate harmonic development of these spheres, their active integration to the world intellectual space.

Having listened to the speech, the President noted that educational system has a big role in development of the state and society and in training of high-level specialists.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned that heads of the ministries and departments and all of us has one main objective at present to continue developing and strengthening economic, cultural, scientific and educational potential of the country. following this, new objectives have to be solved for development of the system of education of high level.

In this context, having focused on the subject of transit to twelve-year education for provision of early development of children and preparation to school, the President ordered the Minister of Education to develop the programme of improvement of activity of pre-school children facilities and to present it to the Cabinet of Ministers for review.

Taking into account the interest of 16 – 18 years old teenagers in work, their desire to find their place in life and society, it is necessary to open educational and production centres for studying of working professions at secondary educational level, the Head of the State said.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that following educational levels of education in Turkmenistan have to be outlined:

- pre-school education (including preparation to primary education);
- secondary education (primary education, general education, secondary education);
- secondary special education;
- high special education; post-graduate education.

The Head of the State has also ordered to expand the system of specialized secondary schools with deep study of languages and subjects. New secondary comprehensive schools including boarding schools with deep study of subjects required for future professions have been opened in Ashgabat and velayats.

The President requested to provide special disciplines in educational facilities and to arrange their proper mentoring according to the programme of digitization of the economy.

For further modernization and improvement of financial and economic conditions of universities on commercial basis, development and expansion of international cooperation in educational sphere, it is necessary to transit such educational institutes to full self-financing system, the President stated.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the session with programme speech. As is known, the Head of the State noted, development of human society is directly connected with science and education.

Science and education are our treasury, which consolidates the society for achievement of high targets that improve the potential of the country. We successfully implement the reforms, which are aimed at bringing of national scientific and educational sphere to the level of developed states of the world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

For the last several years, we fundamentally strengthened equipment and facility base of science and education, the Head of Turkmenistan continued. As is known, reformation of this system, including academic, high, secondary professional and comprehensive schools, has been announced as the most priority objective at the session of the Council of Elders on May 14, 2010.

16 billion US dollars have been allocated for solution of these objectives and strengthening of equipment and facility base of the above-mentioned spheres. 623 facilities, which were provided with modern equipment and technologies, including kindergartens, schools, colleges, institutes and universities, modern Centre of Technologies have been built.

Key directions and objectives of science have been outlined, relative legal acts, special Programme and Provision as well as the Law on State Scientific and Technical Policy have been adopted.

Such current objectives as development of fundamental studies, improvement of scientific and technical potential, formation of new generation of scientist, attraction of youth to scientific activity were reflected in the Law of Turkmenistan on Legal Status of Scientific Personnel.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that we have opened Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University for the same purpose. This high educational institute carry out big work for training of qualified engineers and future scientists in such important directions as technology of new materials, nano-materials, chemical technologies, mechatronics, robotics and innovative technologies.

Money invested to science and education gives positive results, the Head of the State highlighted. Modern cities are raised in front of our eyes, powerful plants and factories are build using latest achievements of science and technology. Ecological and international projects are successfully implemented. Eco-friendly, waste free production and economic clusters, which contain advanced scientific practice and modern technologies, are established.

Having stated that new technologies make the base of development of the world economy, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that this is the reason why we implement state programmes of development of electronic industry, import substitutive production and increment of export volumes.

Ramified communication system is operating in the country in the result of using of the most advanced equipment. Launching of the first national satellite Türkmen Älem 520Е opened wide opportunities for this. Soon, we would launch the second satellite, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Information and communication system, computer technologies are the most dynamically growing directions in the world. High technological branches, theoretical and practical knowledge, information technologies make direct effect on the entry of the world economy to new level.

Therefore, Turkmen leader highlighted, we pay big attention to digitization of the economy. The Head of the State noted that for these purposes we plan the development and implementation of the projects in the sphere of information technologies, organization of marketing and consulting services in future. We intent to increase the number of information technology centres and educational facilities for training of specialists in digital economy in this direction.

New profile structures with modern technologies are made in our country. The importance of the most required directions of science, which generate new ideas and solutions and based on absolutely new equipment and technologies, is increased in such conditions.

The adoption of the Resolution on provision of safe transit of energy carriers by the United Nations General Assembly is a visual evidence of triumph of our energy diplomacy in the world. We would continue making all necessary conditions for scientifically grounded works in this direction, the Head of the State said.

Our country has not only natural resources but also rich biological diversity. Deep study of agriculture, medicine, pharmacology and food industry, development of molecular biology, genetics, bioengineering, bio medicine, training of specialists in this directions are also important for the economy of our country, the President highlighted.

The selection works on agricultural crops and livestock, making of new breeds and hybrids using modern biotechnology methods, establishment of various food production and medicine are an integral part of our future economic development.

Efficient scientific and research works for selection of new seeds of highly productive agricultural crops, which are adapted to soil and climate conditions of our country, protection of flora and fauna of Karakum Desert and Caspian Sea, use of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake and its drainage and collection system in agriculture as well as surrounding territory, which makes positive effect on ecological situation in the region, are carried out.

I Caspian Economic Forum, at which the works of Turkmen side on the main directions of water diplomacy would be highlighted for the world community, would be held in August this year. Our new initiatives for trade and economic cooperation, development of multimodal transport corridors in Caspian Region would be also proposed.

Wide implementation of advanced achievements of scientific and technical progress and innovative technologies in modern urban construction sphere, building f roads and pipelines support the creation of unique architectural image of our cities and villages, the Head of the State continued.

Production of high quality medicine from local materials is arranged. Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that targeted and comprehensive development of medical sciences indicates the implementation of scientific achievements to production. Relative programme of digital medicine would be adopted in near future.

As is known, upbringing of educated growing generation with wide world outlook, loyal to the country, people and great values of the ancestors is the main objectives of educational sphere, the Head of the State said.

The Government pays special attention to steadfast modernization, improvement of the structure and management, enhancement of efficiency, strengthening of equipment, material and legal base of education as an integral part of our economy.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the participants at another fact. As is known, our epoch is the age of triumph of knowledge, technologies, intellectual and creative abilities. Speaking of this, the Head of the State noted that dozens of Asian, European and American countries including our independent state pay special attention to training of qualified specialists, opening of modern educational institutes. This activity is aimed at gradual solution enhancement of human potential based on modern technologies, digital knowledge, advanced practice and on innovative development of educational sphere in general.

Following these purposes, some of scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have been transited under the jurisdiction of high educational universities for better improvement of interrelation of education and science, orientation of students to scientific and creative activity under the guidance of experienced professors and tutors, aiming of scientific, project and experimental works at important directions of the economy of the country and especially for strengthening of science in our society.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State has also noted that our youth receives the education in selected professions in the result of fundamental reforms in the system of national education. Following modern conditions and perspectives of the country’s development, we steadily increase the number of students in secondary professional and high educational institutes. Taking into account the development of the branches of national economy on scientific base, several new universities training technologists, engineers, economists, lawyers and diplomats have been opened recently. New disciplines are introduced in high schools.

In addition, conditions for study of Turkmen students in prestige foreign universities are made. The youth gets education in foreign countries based on intergovernmental agreements, contracts of training of specialists required in different branches of national economy.

Specialized foreign language, precise, natural and humanitarian sciences, musical, military and sport schools as well as children art schools are working in the country for stimulation of desire of school students to science, reveal, development and encouragement of their talent the President noted. Works for expansion of the network of such educational facilities are carried out, universities teaching in foreign languages are opened.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence that young Turkmen citizens would use their scientific and engineering ideas, industrial and innovative, information and technological studies for strengthening of scientific and technological base of our state.

The Head of the State noted that recently we approved improved educational plan of 12-year education and adopted the Provision on state pre-school and general education facilities. This was an important step toward the improvement of national educational sphere.

However, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, the time does not stay still but moves forward. Therefore, our country has to move confidently forward to new technological age along the way of steadfast development and wide-scale reforms.

We had very productive session, the Head of the State said. The decisions that have been made would make the base for further reformation of national scientific and educational system.

Science is a power of the state and that is why we do huge work aimed at the provision of dynamic development of our independent state, improvement of its competiveness at political, economic and cultural arenas. Following the objectives of training of specialists, who know the achievements of scientific and technical progress, new technologies and innovations, we make capital investments to these spheres, the President noted.

Finishing the session dedicated to the day of Science, the Head of the State congratulated the participants and wished them strong health, family prosperity and success in work.