Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulated graduates of Military Academy and universities of security forces

The President of Turkmenistan congratulated graduates of Military Academy and universities of security forces

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Let me extend my congratulation to you on graduation of the Military Academy and high educational institutes, which prepare qualified specialists, on high professional education and first officer rank, on beginning of work carrier and military service, the message of President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

You have to continue deservingly heroic way of great sons of Turkmen nation and people who left inerasable trace in the history of the country and world, to learn combat skills and military art. Having learned to operate modern military equipment and providing peaceful life of the citizens and integrity of the state borders, you have to be an example of loyalty to the Motherland to make personal contribution to the progress of the country.

Strengthening of the independence of the Motherland, its sovereignty and neutral and legal status, protection of constitutional order, multi-century national values and interests, protection of creative work of native people, strengthening of law and order in the society are your sacred duty.

I am confident that you would fulfil these responsible objectives, the work entrusted to you with honour, you would be loyal to high duty of the defenders of the Motherland and would improve the authority of the country, the message highlights.

Today, when science and technology including military equipment are developed all over the world, the improvement of educational process in military universities of the country, implementation of modern technologies to educational work, wide use of Internet and electronic libraries, enhancement of military and patriotic education are necessary. Digital system of education is developed for provision of all levels of education with advanced electronic bases, enrichment of its content and improvement of the quality until the level of the world standards in the country.

Using these capabilities and improving the process of education by latest achievements of science and educational methods, you have to promote the interest of every cadet in education, science and technologies, the Head of the State notes, addressing the officers and lecturers of military universities.

Serving you military duties, you have to follow the ideas, goals and objectives of the Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan, which outlines military, political, economic and strategic bases of full provision of security and integrity of the borders of the country, which is a full members of the world community and committed to the principles of development of friendly, equal and beneficial cooperation and good relations with all states on the planet, which strictly complies with the UN charter, common international and legal principles and standards aimed at protection of peace and stability, the message says.