Ï Priorities of the country development are discussed at the session of the Government

Priorities of the country development are discussed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current objectives of the state life have been discussed.

Having highlighted the agenda, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov. Speaking of the activity of the spheres under his supervision, the Vice-premier reported on the work performed by the request of the Head of the State for provision of working occupancy of youth.

Following the objectives outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, the draft programmes of adaptation of youth to labour market and improvement of its employment in Turkmenistan and the Plan of implementation of this document have been developed.

Study of the requirements of relative specialist and taking of scientifically based decisions, improvement of professional qualification of youth, development of measures of stimulation of its interest to work in rural areas, creation of social and living conditions for young personnel in the branches of national economy is planned under implementation of this Programme.

It is also planned to increase the number of working places provided with advanced information and communication technologies. Therefore, fulfilment of this Programme would support the provision of employment of youth and improvement of its competiveness in the labour market. At the same time, the vice-premier reported on the subject of attraction of foreign investments to national economy and establishment of relative interdepartmental commission.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that, having taken the course to innovative development, Turkmenistan relies on young specialists who have high professional qualification, modern knowledge and rich world outlook. Efficient implementation of intellectual and creative potential of young generation is the guarantee of the progress of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The President highlighted that strategy of diversification and industrialization in our country, its transit to market relations, activation of activity of business structures as well as big profile projects and relative legal base provide wide perspectives for intensification of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners including in investment sphere.

Involvement of existing capabilities would serve further dynamic social and economic development of Turkmenistan, its integration to modern system of the world economic relations.

Having signed the Resolution on Approval of Programmes of adaptation of youth to labour market and improvement of its employment in Turkmenistan and on interdepartmental commission for foreign investments, the Head of the State sent the documents to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the preparation to international events including the first Caspian Economic Forum planned this year.

As is known, the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan on this forum received unanimous support at the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian states, which was held in Aktau (Kazakhstan) last year. At present time, organizational and other necessary work is carried out in this direction and relative Organization Committee has been established.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of constructive cooperation with the state of Caspian region is among priority vectors of foreign course of Turkmenistan. Our country makes significant input to the implementation of significant potential of Caspian Sea comprehensively supporting the assertion of the status of the sea of peace, friendship and harmony, which is reflected in specific initiatives.

Strategic importance of Caspian Sea and this region in regional, interregional and global geopolitical and geo-economic processes, its role as an important transit, transport and logistic hub provide the necessity to consolidate the efforts for expansion of productive cooperation.

Continuing the subject, the President focused on further strengthening of the dialog with competent international organizations as well as with all interested foreign partners.

In this regard, the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister received number of relative assignments on comprehensive preparation of all planned international events and provision of their high organizational level.

Speaking of the situation in fuel and energy sector, deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the preparation to the opening of the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat on June 28. The information about the programme of events dedicated to the opening has been presented.

The plant provided with modern equipment and advanced technologies from the world manufacturers is a unique facility by many parameters. It will produce synthetic vehicle fuel from natural gas in industrial scale for the first time in the world practice.

Project production capacity of the plant is 600,000 tons of gasoline, which meet Euro 5 ecological standards, as well as 12,000 tons of refined diesel fuel and 115,000 liquified gas per year.

This big investment project is very important for diversification and strengthening of export potential of oil and gas complex of the country, the President said. The Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with assignments on development of new projects of gas sphere, opening of innovative production facilities specialized in deep processing of raw materials and making of wide spectrum of petrochemical production, which is on high demand in the world market.

At the same time, it was highlighted that wide implementation of advanced technologies, modern scientific and technical developments to fuel and energy complex is very important in the context of solution of objectives for environment protection.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the work for provision of land plots for personal use in rural areas and individual construction of houses in cities and settlements.

According the Resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan, total volume of special land funds in the country is 65,384.84 hectares including 6,074.5 hectares in Ahal Velayat, 4,888.5 hectares in Balkan Velayat, 17,813.21 hectares in Dashoguz Velayat and 18,546.87 and 18,061.76 hectares in Lebap and Mary Velayats respectively.

The Vice-premier informed that construction of buildings and social and cultural facilities is continued in new settlements, motor roads are developed.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific instructions to the Vice-premier on development of the infrastructure of new settlements including the modernization of road and transport network, creation of comfortable conditosn for rural residents. It is necessary to review the development of all architectural and construction projects in the complex of subjects, which have to include ecological planning, engineering and technical analysis of the facilities taking into account natural and climate conditions, their design, etc.

Continuing the subject, Turkmen leader noted that wide programme of construction and completion of the facilities is planned this year. It is necessary to pay special attention to use of modern equipment and new technologies during fulfilment of all planned works, the Head of the State said.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of enforcement of the control of works for transfer of land plots to private ownership, construction of living houses and engineering and communication networks, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the activity for modernization and privatization of facilities of industrial and communication complexes in 2019 – 2025 as well as for construction of new facilities.

The Vice-premier informed that analytical commission, which includes specialists of the Ministry of Textile Industry, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and Türkmensenagat Agency, has been formed for fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State and successful implementation of the objectives of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

The Commission has developed the plan of modernization of the facilities by their provision with advanced technologies for brining to full production capacity, rational use of local materials, construction of modern industrial facilities in compliance with ecological standards for increment of volumes of exported production.

Having reminded on the objectives of the programmes of industrialization and digitization of the country, import substitutive production and increment of export, creation of new work places, the Head of the State highlighted that we have to make qualitative, eco-friendly and competitive production.

Fr this purpose, the facilities have to be equipped with the most advanced high technological equipment. Having approved presented plans, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of orders on their implementation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the activity of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in processing of raw materials, which is built in the course of ecological policy of the country and achievement of the Sustainable development goals.

Members of the UIET opened small facilities for processing of used plastic, paper, polyethylene, rubber, wood and production of goods from these wastes. Continuing this work, it is planned to implement the projects of waste treatment and solid wastes facilities in the velayats of the country.

Implementation of these projects will allow processing up to 500,000 tons of wastes, which will make input to the environment protection. The implementation of the projects is planned within two year and will be made by the investments of private companies and crediting.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov supported the proposals of entrepreneurs, having noted that utilization of wastes and production of goods from recycled materials are very important for ‘green economy’. In addition, the investment of this sector will make it profitable.

For efficient development of this sphere in our country, it is necessary to study the practice of other states where such practice has given the most efficient results, the Head of the State said, having given relative instructions to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of the meeting held by the Head of the State in the Academy of sciences of Turkmenistan on June 12 where new important objectives for further development of science and education have been outlined. Active work for implementation of the assignments of the Head of the State and fulfilment of specific assignments was expanded in relative departments and structures.

In addition, it was informed about the graduation exams, which were held in secondary schools of the country, and about preparation to entry exams to universities.

The Vice-premier also reported on the establishment of organization committees for bog competitions in Ashgabat – the World Sambo Championship in 2020 and the World Track Cycling Championship in 2021.

Relative agreement between International Sambo Federation and National Martial Arts Federation of Turkmenistan as well as between International Cycling Union and Turkmenistan Cycling Federation have been signed. The institution of organizational committees of coming competitions will allow giving systematic and integrated character, coordinating the structures involved in preparation, using the practice of organization of big sport events gained by the country.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that hosting prestige international competitions, Turkmenistan not only improves its status of sport country but also increase the authority on the world arena as the state committed to the policy of peace and cooperation.

The events of such level as the world competitions would support the development of sports of high achievements in our country but what is most important, they would give big impulse to mass physical training movement, which is one of the priorities of the state policy, the Head of the State said.

Having given instructions to the Vice-premier on development of the documents on establishment of organizational committees of 2020 World Sambo Championship and 2021 World Track Cycling Championship, the Head of the state also requested to keep the attention on preparation of Turkmen sportsmen to participation in 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported to Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on preparation to the Week of Culture and celebration events dedicated to the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel and the Day of Magtumguly Fragi poetry in Balkan Velayat on June 22 – 27.

Slogan of this year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” will be the leitmotif of all events planned under the Week of Culture, which will include the concerts of artistic collectives, poetry evenings, exhibitions, scientific, practical and methodological conferences, theatre performances as well as tours around places of interests of Magtumguly etrap, to the monument of Fragi in Gerkez village and to the museum of great poet and thinker.

The opera, which prime release would be held in the State Drama Theatre of Balkan Velayat, was prepared traditionally to the holiday of artistic personnel.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of cultural sphere in improvement of spiritual values of the nation, propaganda of modern achievements of the country, moral and aesthetic education of Turkmen citizens.

Activity of organizations of cultural sphere is very important in study and protection of our heritage, spiritual life of the nation, the Head of the State noted, having ordered to hold all planned events of the Week of Culture in Balkan Velayat on high level. Holiday of personnel of artistic sphere has to be the triumph of national art, the President of Turkmenistan summed up.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the course of agricultural reforms and seasonal field works in the regions of the country.

Grain producers of Balkan and Dashoguz Velayat joined the wheat harvest campaign on June 12. Collection of straw and ploughing of land are carried out at the fields after the wheat. In addition, care of the cotton, inter-row cultivation and mineral fertilization are carried out according to agrotechnical standards.

The Vice-premier also reported on the work for efficient use of agricultural equipment in farming associations, increment of volumes of agricultural production including by active attraction of private producers as well as development of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners in this field. Information about the measures for rational use of water resources and implementation of advanced scientific practice to agricultural production has been presented.

Having listened to the report and noted the necessity to increase the rates of the mowing, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to hold under permanent control all issues related to this importance agricultural campaign.

The President highlighted that today, Turkmenistan has huge potential for development of agrarian sector. Improvement of efficiency of agriculture, strengthening of equipment and facility base of the industry, formation of modern social and economic infrastructure will be always under attention of the government.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the work of the Parliament on further formation of modern legislation base in the context of priorities of the state development and standards of international law.

Having listened to the information, the President focused on the importance of the objectives of the Parliament for further legal support of the reforms in different branches of the economy and other spheres of life activity of the state and society.

Open doors and permanent neutrality policies of Turkmenistan, initiatives for provision of energy security, solution of ecological issues and development of transport and logistic infrastructure receive support in the world.

Proposals of our country in the sphere of water diplomacy, in particular, new initiative on saving of Aral Sea supported by the UN, are highly appreciated, the Leader of the nation stated. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity to continue steadfast work in this direction, having addressed the members of the Government with number of specific assignments.

Giving orders on high organizational level of the week of Culture in Balkan Velayat, celebration events planned for the Day of Cultural and Art personnel as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi poetry, the President focused on the role of coming artistic foru in protection and popularization of spiritual heritage of the ancestors.

The Head of the State highlighted that organizational level of all events planned under this cultural event has to meet its high spirit and importance. The President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of wide participation of the deputies of the Mejlis in coming events.

Officials of agricultural sphere received specific instructions on adherence to the schedule of seasonal agricultural works and their strict compliance with agrotechnical standards. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that large-scale reforms in agrarian sector of the country have to bring significant results.

Implementing integrated reformation programmes, which are aimed at full modernization of national economy, creation of powerful industrial infrastructure, improvement of social sphere, our country bets on wide implementation of advanced technologies and best world practice, the Head of the State said, having requested the vice-premiers to hold under strict control the implementation of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 - 2025.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.