Ï Euro 5 gasoline plant to be opened on June 28

Euro 5 gasoline plant to be opened on June 28

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Preparation of the opening ceremony of the plant for production of gasoline form natural gas in Ahal Velayat on June 28 is carried out. The plant provided with modern equipment and advanced technologies from the world manufacturers is a unique facility by many parameters. It will produce synthetic vehicle fuel from natural gas in industrial scale for the first time in the world practice.

Project production capacity of the plant is 600,000 tons of gasoline, which meet Euro 5 ecological standards, as well as 12,000 tons of refined diesel fuel and 115,000 liquified gas per year.

This big investment project is very important for diversification and strengthening of export potential of oil and gas complex of the country. In addition, wide implementation of advanced technologies, modern scientific and technical developments to fuel and energy complex is very important in the context of solution of objectives on environment protection.