Ï Business community of the country actively develops the sphere of waste disposal

Business community of the country actively develops the sphere of waste disposal

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Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov informed at the session of the Government on June 14 that members of the UIET opened small facilities for processing of used plastic, paper, polyethylene, rubber, wood and production of goods from these wastes. Continuing this work, it is planned to implement the projects of waste treatment and solid wastes facilities in the velayats of the country.

The implementation of the projects is planned within two year and will be made by the investments of private companies and crediting and it will allow processing up to 500,000 tons of wastes, which will make input to the environment protection.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov supported the proposals of entrepreneurs, having noted that utilization of wastes and production of goods from recycled materials are very important for ‘green economy’. In addition, the investment of this sector will make it profitable.