Ï Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour

Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour

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Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Turkmen diplomats and students take part in the 9th Beijing International Cycling Tour
Mass cycling race, which was organized by the National Government and Beijing Sport Committee with the support of the Embassy of Turkmenistan to the PRC, was held in Yanqing district of Chinese capital.

Personnel of diplomatic mission of our country, Turkmen youth studying in Beijing universities, heads and representatives of public and sport organizations and mass media of the PRC as well as Chinese sportsmen took part in mass 17-km cycling tour. Total number of the participants of the action was more than 1,500 people.

It was highlighted at the start ceremony of sport event that adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on institution of the World Bicycle Day by the initiative of Turkmen leader indicates high appreciation of the efforts of our country for development of sport and physical training and health improving movement, popularization of cycling, creation of conditions for harmonic development of growing generation and formation of ecological culture of the society by our country.

It is worth to mention that the hosts of cycling festival developed different length and theme tracks for the lovers of active leisure while professional cyclists competed in separate programme for the prize of 50,000 US dollars.

In addition the health improving effect, the participants of the tour received aesthetic pleasure as the tracks of race run along beautiful landscapes like the part of the Badaling Great Wall, Longqing Gorge and Guyang Cave.