Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin exchange the views on perspectives of Turkmen – Russian dialog

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin exchange the views on perspectives of Turkmen – Russian dialog

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation had a telephone conversation.

Having warmly greeted each other, the leaders of two countries stated with delight traditionally friendly and constructive character of interstate dialog, which is built on the principles of strategic partnership.

During the conversation, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin discussed priority subjects of Turkmen – Russian cooperation in the context of the agreements reached on high level, which has significant potential for expansion of beneficial relations in different spheres, as well as taking into account the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS. Significant legal and regulatory framework, which covers entire spectrum of interstate relations, is the evidence of invariable intent of the sides to develop long-term productive partnership.

Trade and economic sphere, fuel and energy complex, transport and communication sector, which are one of the main segments of the world economy in modern realties, as well as number of other spheres are among the key directions of bilateral cooperation. Actual role in practical implementation of the plans of Turkmen – Russian cooperation, in entry to new promising projects is given to joint Intergovernmental Commission, which session was held in Ashgabat this May.

Steadfast dynamics is inherent to established contacts between Turkmenistan and big regions and constituents of the Russian Federation. Coming visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Tatarstan is to support further development of this multidimensional partnership. Efficient work of leading Russian companies in our country is visual evidence of successful partnership.

At the same time, cooperation in humanitarian sphere, where fruitful relations in educational, scientific, cultural, art and sport spheres have been established, is an integral part of interstate dialog.

Continuing telephone conversation, the sides exchanged the opinions on number of topical subjects of regional and global agenda, especially on those related to provision of peace, security and sustainable development. At the same time, the intent of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation to continue strengthening collaboration under the United Nations and other competent international structures, including the Commonwealth of Independent State, has been confirmed.

Cooperation in Caspian Sea, where the Convention of Legal Status of Caspian Sea, which has been signed by the outcomes of the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States last year, has special importance, was the subject of interested discussion. In this regard, Turkmen leader invited his Russian colleague to take part in coming first Caspian Economic Forum, which is to support the activation of regional and international cooperation, which meets the goals of common prosperity.

In the end of the conversation, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Vladimir Putin expressed the confidence that friendship, trust and constructiveness would be inherent to traditional Turkmen – Russian relations and exchanged the best wishes to each other and to people of both states.