Ï The Ambassador of Slovenia presented his credentials to the Speaker of Turkmen Parliament

The Ambassador of Slovenia presented his credentials to the Speaker of Turkmen Parliament

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By the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Speaker of the Mejlis Gulshat Mammedova received the credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to Turkmenistan Branko Rakovec.

On behalf of the Head of the State, the Speaker of National Parliament congratulated the diplomat on appointment to high diplomatic post, having wished him success in strengthening of friendship and intensification of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Slovenia.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words, the Ambassador conveyed warm greetings to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from the leaders of his country and assured that he would put all efforts and knowledge for expansion of the partnership for the sake of both countries.

During the conversation, authorised representative of friendly country was introduced with priorities and main directions of home and foreign policy of the Head of the State.

Special emphasis has been laid on the implementation of important programmes and projects of industrialization of the country, development of science, education, sport and tourism. The significance paid in Turkmenistan to the development of infrastructure of the regions, in particular to the construction of modern schools and pre-school facilities, medical, cultural and sport centres in rural areas, has been highlighted.

The diplomat was also familiarized with the structure and activity of the Mejlis, its role in the context of democratic reforms in the country.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia appreciated the prospects of development of Turkmen – Slovenia partnership both in bilateral and multilateral formats including under inter-Parliamentary relations and big international organizations, especially the UN and European Union.

Having expressed keen interest in large-scale achievements of our country, Branko Rakovec noted the presence of huge potential for cooperation in trade, economic and transport, pharmacy and other spheres. Expansion of cooperation in education and culture has also been reviewed.