Ï Turkmen leader sets objectives for organization of Caspian Economic Forum and planned events

Turkmen leader sets objectives for organization of Caspian Economic Forum and planned events

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Balkan Velayat. In Turkmenbashy International Airport, the Head of the State was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, members of the Government, leaders of military and law enforcement agenciesand Hyakim of Balkan velayat.

From the airport, the Head of the State went to Turkmenbashy International Port.

Expanding its borders, sea resort at clean Caspian coast is very popular in our country and raise growing interest abroad proving its doubtful perspective and undisputable success of this grandiose project initiated by the Head of the state. Due to favourable climate conditions and rich recreation potential of Avaza National tourist zone, orientation to innovations, advanced architectural, engineering and technical thought, high level of service make all prepositions for this part of Turkmen land to become recognized centre of international tourism, sanatorium and resort recreation and sports.

Today, Avaza presents wide spectrum of services meeting the world standards. At present time, it has number of high-class hotels, children recreation facilities, cottage towns, health and recreation centres, multiprofile sanatorium and parking and entertainment complexes. facilities of the resort are harmonically combined with local natural landscape where manmade forests grow forming favourable microclimate. Green parks, flower beds are built everywhere including on both banks of Avaza River, which stretches out across the entire resort.

The President of Turkmenistan pays special attention to creation of the most favourable conditions for improvement of sport component of Avaza National tourist zone. It has super modern sport complexes for martial arts, gaming, water and winter sports including swimming, ice-hockey, figure skating as well as fitness, weightlifting, fencing, boxing, taekwondo, judo, sambo, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, etc.

Favourable environment of the resort and wonderful natural factors like fresh air, clean golden beaches, swimming and sun baths are worth to be mentioned. Beautiful view of Caspian Sea also impressed. All of these guarantees an excellent holiday giving the boost of energy, good mood and condition for a long time.

At the same time, Avaza National tourist zone received the status of big business, cultural and sport centre, having also become the place of high-level meetings and various international events.

Looking around an architectural ensemble of sea resort, which for the last few years has changed significantly, the Head of the State paid attention to the importance of careful treatment of environment, protection of favourable ecological situation. Relative leaders received specific assignments regarding proper care of the facilities of resort, which wa created at the Caspian Coast, protection of neatness and development of all parts of Avaza, especially its parking zones.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to hold under permanent control the works for care of the trees, which have been planted there, as well as for provision of safe traffic on the roads, put traffic signs and other elements of road infrastructure according to the requirements.

After, some time, the Head of the State arrived in Turkmenbashy International Port.

This super modern port complex was put into operation in May last year, which was a remarkable event for all Central Asian and Caspian basin countries. Full-scale involvement of its capabilities will support dynamic integration of the states of the region into international system of economic relations, strengthening of the role of Turkmenistan as biggest transit and transport centre of the continent.

In sea harbour, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session with the participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis, Vice-premiers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies and Hyakim of Balkan Velayat.

The Head of the State was informed about the preparation of the Caspian Economic Forum, which would be held in Avaza National tourist zone in August this year.

It was mentioned that the agenda of the Forum includes wide range of subjects related to the development of cooperation in Caspian region. Members of the Government, officials of ministries and departments, heads of coastal regions and executive administration bodies, representatives of banking sector, companies, which activity is related to Caspian Sea as well as personnel of international economic, financial, transport, ecological and other organizations, scientific centres were invited to participate in the forum.

Caspian Exhibition of innovative technologies and international conference, where such topical subjects as the role of the economy of Caspian Region in global scale, factors of growth of investments attractiveness in oil and gas, power energy, transport, trade, agricultural, tourism and other spheres will be discussed, are among planned events.

Special attention will be paid to the opportunity to implement joint investment projects and programmes, to the formation and development of special free economic zones, joint ventures as well as digital economy, perspective directions of cooperation between the regions of coastal states, legal regulation of trade and economic relations, exchange of statistical information and other.

As is known, the date of Caspian Economic Forum was not chosen occasionally. This is the day, August 12, 2006, when the Framework Convention on Protection of Marine Environment of Caspian Sea has come into effect. Ever since, this date is observed by the countries of the region as International Day of Caspian Sea.

On August 12, 2018, the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea has been signed at the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian Sea, which became a historical event of huge international importance. Proposal of the President of Turkmenistan on Caspian Economic Forum on regularly base, which was supported by the heads of all coastal states, has been made at the same meeting in Aktau, Kazakhstan.

In addition, the documents, which were signed by the outcomes of the Summit, included intergovernmental Agreements on cooperation in trade, economic and transport spheres elaborated by the initiative of Turkmen leader.

Special ministerial meeting, which is planned to be held prior to the Caspian Forum, will be dedicated to practical implementation of these agreements.

In this context, the information about the work of Turkmenbashy International Port, which advanced infrastructure is able to satisfy not only existing but also future demand on transport and logistic services, has been presented. New impulse to international cooperation in this direction as well as to the development of regional and interregional trade, economic, tourist, cultural and humanitarian relations is to be given by coming Forum.

In addition, the Vice-premiers informed about the measures taken for protection of favourable ecological situation in the region, especially in Avaza National tourist zone, about the creation of new parking complexes and development of existing green zones in the resort.

Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that comprehensive strengthening of traditionally friendly relations with Caspian states is one of priority vectors of foreign course of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of positive neutrality, good neighbourliness and fruitful cooperation. Taking steadfast measures in this direction, our country make significant contribution to the efforts for development of acceptable solutions of current issues of regional and global agenda, achievement of the Sustainable development goals.

Turkmenistan regularly makes specific proposals, which are to support the optimization of beneficial partnership between five coastal states, invariably supporting the diversification of trade and economic relations, efficient implementation of huge natural and resources, transit and transport, energy and industrial potential, which Caspian region has, the Head of the State highlighted.

First Caspian Economic Forum, which is to demonstrate the success achieved by Caspian states in the above-mentioned spheres as well as their capabilities for productive cooperation with international partners in wide spectrum of directions including in the sphere of innovative technologies, ecology and water diplomacy, is aimed at this.

We would continue rendering comprehensive support to the strengthening of fraternal and goodwill relations with Caspian states, which people are united by old historical and cultural relations, improvement of the status of Caspian Sea as a sea of peace, friendship and harmony, the President highlighted.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate all matters related to high-level organization and conduct of the events under the Caspian Forum.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that subjects related to social and economic development of this region have to be under permanent attention. It is necessary to continue working on opening of new park complexes based on advanced achievements and best world practice in the sphere of landscape, park and garden design. Together with fresh sea air, it would provide favourable microclimate, comfort environment in this place and would increase the attractiveness of recreation zone.

Formation of reliable system of ecological protection of Caspian Sea is the necessary condition of implementation of its tourist potential, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having noted that new industrial facilities, which are built in this region, have to meet ecological requirements and criteria just like in all parts of the country.

Finishing working session, the Head of the State gave number of specific assignments to the participants, having highlighted that it is necessary to approach to solution of set objectives on scientific base using advanced practice.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the exhibition halls where Hazar innowasion tehnologiýalar and Türkmen sährasy – 2019 exhibitions are to take place under first Caspian Economic Forum.

It was mentioned that exposition of Turkmenistan at Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies would be located on 880 square meters. 1,332 square meters were allocated for foreign companies.

The Head of the State pointed out that innovative solutions have to be used for the organization this exhibition, which would demonstrate latest developments of science and technologies, investment projects, which have been implemented in our country and planned for the future including in construction of modern facilities producing high technological goods.

At the same time, Turkmen exposition has to be distinguished by original design, national features, in other words, to become concentrated embodiment of modern achievements and original traditions of Turkmen nation, its historical and cultural heritage, priorities of steadfast development, course toward multi format international cooperation.

Having highlighted again the importance of coming forum in the context of expansion of trade and economic relations and scientific and technical cooperation of Caspian countries with foreign partners, Turkmen leader ordered to pay special attention to formation of special grounds for meetings and talks between representatives of business circles, exchange of practice and discussion of new projects and initiatives.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the place of international motor exhibition Türkmen sährasy – 2019, which is to demonstrate transit and transport potential of our country, which territory was crossed by the Silk Road long time ago.

‘Open door’ policy of Turkmenistan, measures for development of transport infrastructure supports the promotion of initiatives of our country on establishment off global partnership in sustainable transport, which received wide support of the world community, and strengthening of international cooperation in this sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Today, Turkmenbashy has become transit and transport hub of international significance, centre of representative forums; its role in business and cultural life of the country grows. Special economic and tourist status of the city provides new big objectives, which solution provides the success of the reforms and national programmes, the Head of the state said, having given number of orders to relative leaders.

Continuing the subject, the President highlighted again that use of capabilities of new International Port opens big perspectives for significant expansion of multilateral cooperation in economy, trade and investments. As a fact, opening of this facility in the west of Turkmenistan, in strategic Caspian region makes big staging area for expansion of interregional cooperation, increment of volumes of international cargo and passenger traffic and forms new configuration of transport flows.

Having wished success in solution of set objectives to the participants, the Head of the State left the place of event.

Having finished working trip to Balkan Velayat, the President of Turkmenistan came to Turkmenbashy International Airport and flew for Ashgabat.