Ï The Head of the State inspects the projects of construction of complex of facilities in the horth of the capital

The Head of the State inspects the projects of construction of complex of facilities in the horth of the capital

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited city administration of the capital where inspected the project of development of Ashgabat, in particular the construction of new big complex in the northern part. The Head of the State has also held meeting dedicated to current subjects of the country’s life and coming international events.

Turkmen leader not only initiates big and important construction projects but also holds under permanent control all stages of their implementation from architectural design and engineering and technical provision of future project to the commissioning.

Every working trip around the capital and surroundings is invariably connected with detailed study of the situation on the main construction sites where the President of the country pays close attention to every detail getting into all complexities of construction processes. Weighted and well thought recommendations of the Head of the State related to functionality of facilities, reliability and safety of buildings and their exterior are the guidance for the project designers.

Many buildings in Turkmen capital received prestige awards of international architectural contests. This is another evidence of the recognition of grandiose success and achievements in development of Ashgabat, which took deserving place among the most beautiful capitals in the world, by international community. All new in construction technologies in the world is applied in the main city of our country, which expands its borders. The time for implementation of new mega project has come.

… In the morning, the Head of the State came to the city administration where the speaker of the Mejlis, deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, hyakim of Ashgabat and other have gathered.

Boards with sketches of future construction as well as 3D model with detailed architectural ensembles and road and transport infrastructure giving visual impression of how new living complex, which was designed by ‘city within city’ principle, would look like, have been presented to the President.

Total area allocated for construction of grandiose complex of more than 200 buildings is 744 hectares. It is planned to build more than 180 various living houses for 17,836 apartments, from 12 to 35 storeys by height. In general, entire district is designated for living of more than 107,000 people. In other words, new city including the complex of administration buildings, service facilities, residential buildings, medical and cultural centres, high educational institutes and other social facilities will be built in the north of Ashgabat in the next few years.

Architectural projects of all buildings and facilities are developed at the request of president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by the administration of Ashgabat, the ministry of Construction and Architecture, teachers and students of Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction and the State Art Academy.

The presented project of new city, which has already received unofficial name of Ashgabat city, provides the construction of the buildings of etrap administration and other Government facilities, four secondary schools for 3,000 students and the same number of kindergartens for 1,200 children, building of Turkmen National Conservatory and Danatar Ovezov specialized music school.

Multiprofile clinic, two health centres, two shopping and entertainment centres, shops and cafes, stadium and sport complex, ceremonial hall, four multi-level car parking are among the facilities of social and living infrastructure. Banking sector will be represented by the branches of the State Commercial Banks Türkmenbaşy and Halkbank.

Living section includes eight types of houses – two 15-storey buildings for 150 apartments each, 42 12 – 15-storey buildings for 54 apartments, 12 20-storey buildings for 40 apartments, 56 21 – 23-storey buildings for 88 apartments and 36 buildings with the same number of storeys but different design for 136 apartments, 1625-storey buildings for 75 apartments , 4 35-storey buildings fro 140 apartments and 12 33 – 35-storey buildings for 136 apartments.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov studied the location and interconnection of every facility of the project, which was developed taking into account demographic, social, economic, ecological and aesthetic factors, it reflects the traditions of national architecture and modern trends of the world urban construction sphere. In the meantime, it utilizes a fundamentally new approach.

The thing is that similar projects have been implemented in other cities and countries. However, their purpose was more of commercial orientation rather than social. Therefore, the facilities were built by the order of different clients and by different companies. In our case, one big team of project designers, construction engineers and many other specialists has worked on the project of huge complex, which provided artistic harmony of all facilities with the own originality of each of them.

At the same time, the project has clear social orientation, which was initially set by the Head of the State as the author of the idea to create an exemplary territory within urban environment where all innovations will work for people, their comfort and improvement of life quality.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of rational location of all facilities, having noted that self-sufficiency of organization of urban environment has to be the main principle of further development of the capital.

It is necessary that the population would have all opportunity to work, study, rest, do sport, art, use modern service of shopping, entertainment and health improving service, which has to be in walking distance, the President said.

New living complex has also to match the style of Ashgabat, the head of the State said, having highlighted that all future facilities have to meet modern standards both in design and quality as well as in ecological requirements from energy consumption, waste treatment and natural protection points of views.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that it is necessary to pay the utmost attention to building of engineering and technical communications, energy and water supply, communication lines and other networks. It was mentioned that modern city is a complex organization of living environment, which includes production activity, social and cultural relations, spiritual atmosphere and economic conditions.

In this regard, the Head of the State urged the official to study the best international practice, to analyse the principles of efficient work of urban management I developed countries, to apply modern technologies and materials including composite ones, which have aesthetic look, extended lifetime and supports the saving of natural resources.

The project of new residential estate focuses on creation of opportunities for growth and improvement of life level of people. It is to turn the northern part of the capital into new economic centre with capabilities to find a work and business for the tenants and investors, to provide an integrated environment for development of entrepreneurship and to become the base for further expansion of the territory of the city taking into account growing population of Ashgabat.

Successful implementation of social and economic strategy, completion of big international projects, industrialization of national economy allow our country making big investments to large-scale urban construction, the President continued.

Ashgabat, which is supplemented with new architectural ensembles, streets with developed living estates, is bright example of this. The city grows high and wide; 30 – 35-storey buildings will be built in the living estate for the first time in Turkmenistan. In this regard, technologies for provision of seismic resistance of these buildings have the utmost importance.

Special attention has to be paid to creation of green zones, which will make positive effect on the ecology of the city and will provide comfort conditions for living and comprehensive rest of people. It is also necessary to take into account such aspects as compliance of city roads with international standards, their comfort for drivers and pedestrians, harmonic combination of urban and natural landscapes.

After, the meeting was continued in small hall where President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers as well as heads of some ministries and departments. During the session, issues of social and economic development of the country, expansion of production facilities, improvement of international partnership have been discussed.

Reports on the reforms in fuel and energy complexes and measures for expansion of production infrastructure, which would be supplemented soon with the plant for production of eco-friendly gasoline from natural gas built in Ahal velayat, have ben presented. Opening of this facility will give strong impulse to the growth of national economy and export potential of the country.

Haven mentioned the importance, which is paid to the development of petrochemical sphere of Turkmenistan, the President ordered to organize the opening ceremony of production complex in Ovadandepe, where numerous foreign guest would participate, on high level.

It is necessary to continue work on deep processing of gas opening new facilities in this section based on high technologies implementing the best world practice and promoting own developments, the Head of the State said.

Establishment of constructive dialog with the countries, which are interested in development of efficient cooperation with Turkmenistan, is the the amin objective of foreign strategy pursued by the Head of the State and based on the principles of positive neutrality, transparency and goodwill.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that coming working visit to the Republic of Tatarstan is very important for the activation for beneficial contracts with the Russian Federation and its biggest regions.

Recently, the cooperation between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan in trade and economic, fuel and energy, transport and communication, cultural and humanitarian spheres has entered new level, the Head of the State continued. Efficient character and steadfast development of relations are significantly provided by bilateral agreements reached on high level. It serves as reliable foundation for further expansion of cooperation between two nations, which are united by historical and cultural similarity.

Turkmenistan is always open for expansion of relations in different directions. At the same time, the positions of our state in the world arena and its authority are growing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Having noted the necessity of integrated preparation to coming international events including to working visit to the Republic of Tatarstan, the Head of the State gave relative assignments.

Summing up the outcomes of working session, Turkmen leader expressed the confidence that the participants would put all efforts for solution of their objectives.