Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates cultural personnel and art masters on professional holiday

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates cultural personnel and art masters on professional holiday

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Let me extend my congratulation on the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry! I wish you strong health, family prosperity and new success, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to representative of art professions says.

Development of cultural sphere, improvement of professional skills and creative potential of art personnel are the priorities of the state policy in our country. At present time, all conditions have been made in the country for development and enrichment of Turkmen culture, art and literature with new works. New social and cultural facilities have been built and continued to be built in Ashgabat and all regions of he country, the work for digitization of cultural sphere is carried out.

Regular international art forums, days of culture, festivals, exhibitions, concerts and other events play an important role in development of friendly relations between our neutral state and the countries of the world.

Joint celebration of the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel and Magtumguly Fragi Poetry has deep meaning, which indicates everlasting unity and harmony of Turkmen culture, art and literature. Philosophic world of poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi is a school of mentoring for all art personnel of the country, the message mentions.

Cultural personnel and art masters take active part in successful implementation of the objectives, which are concentrated in political slogan “The State for Human being!”. Achievements of our sovereign state in cultural sphere are very important for deep study, improvement and popularization of rich national heritage of our nation, its primordial values, traditions and customs in the world.

In this context, we would continue implementing the state programmes, which are aimed at further development of cultural sphere, making necessary conditions for comfort life and work of cultural personnel and art masters, the message of the President highlights.