Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of NATA Holding

The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of NATA Holding

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The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of NATA Holding
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Board Chairman of NATA Holding Group Namyk Tanyk.

Having expressed the gratitude for the opportunity to discuss current subjects of cooperation in personal conversation, the guest congratulated the Head of the State on coming opening of new industrial complex, having highlighted that large-scale changes in Turkmenistan and big perspectives of economic growth received high international authority. Noting an sxclusive attractiveness of Turkmen market and favourable conditions made for work of foreign partners, the businessman confirmed the intent of his company to intensify beneficial business relations.

The Head of the State and Director of NATA Holding discussed specific directions of activity of Turkish company in realization of the programme of development of such branches of Turkmen economy as construction and transport and communication sphere. It was mentioned that this big company has recommended itself as a partner making an important work in construction of roads, building of bridges and railroad infrastructure facilities, which is the most dynamically growing segment of transport complex of the country.

In this context, the emphasis was laid on the issues of provision of high quality of road construction with special highlight of the necessity of use of latest high technological solutions and advanced scientific developments during construction road and transport infrastructural facilities. It is also important to take into account their aesthetical component, which plays considerable role in artistic and architectural organization of urban living environment.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of participation in different meetings and forums and invited Turkish businessman to participate in the events of coming Caspian Economic Forum.

Having highlighted that NATA Holding is proud of long-term cooperation with Turkmenistan, Namyk Tanyk confirmed the willingness of his company to continue actively participating in partnership projects.