Ï The President of Turkmenistan receive the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan

The President of Turkmenistan receive the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan

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The President of Turkmenistan receive the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Yoshihiko Isozaki who arrived in Turkmenistan.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity to discuss priority issues of interstate cooperation in personal conversation, the guest conveyed the greetings of the Emperor and Prime Minister of Japan to the Head of the State, who addressed the best wishes to Turkmen people. At the same time, high interest of Japanese partners in expansion of cooperation with Turkmenistan, which has significant economic potential and implementing constructive internal and foreign policy, has been highlighted.

Having returned the greetigns to the Emperor and Prime minister of Japan, Turkmen leader stated with delight steadfast dynamics of the partnership. Beneficial, traditionally friendly Turkmen – Japanese cooperation improves every year in all spectrum, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having noted long and efficient activity of the world famous companies from the Country of raising sun in Turkmenistan. The Head of the State invited high-rank guest to take part in the work of the first Caspian Economic Forum.

Continuing the meeting, the sides shared the opinions on perspectives of cooperation in trade and economic sphere including by the realization of joint projects. It was mentioned that the course of Turkmenistan toward industrialization and diversification of national economy, opening of scientifically based and high technological facilities provides big opportunities for intensification of productive relations in different spheres, increment of volumes of trade, supports new impulse to direct business contacts and stimulation of investment activity.

Chemical including petrochemical industry, transport and communication sector and logistics, introduction of latest technologies, agriculture and other branches where consolidation of efforts seems to be the most efficient are among current directions of the partnership. In this context, an important role is given to the activity of Turkmen – Japanese committee for economic cooperation, which next 13th session was held in Ashgabat on May 23 this year.

Successful practice in realization of big infrastructural projects is a part of bilateral cooperation. Industrial complexes for production of ammonia and carbamide in Mary, carbamide fertilizers in Garabogaz, polyethylene and polypropylene in Kiyanly can be brought as specific examples.

Such significant list also includes super modern plan for production of eco-friendly synthetic fuel from natural gas, which is ready to be opened. In this regard, Mr Yoshihiko Isozaki expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for the opportunity to take part in the opening ceremony of the first industrial facility of such kind in the world.

Turkmen – Japanese cooperation is also dynamically developed in multilateral format, particularly under Central Asia + Japan dialog, which has systematic character.

It was mentioned that large-scale reform strategy support not only stable steadfast rates of the growth of national economy but also makes the country attractive for foreign business. Having expressed the Head of the State for attention and support in interstate cooperation, the guest highlighted that business circles of Japan aim at continuation of the partnership and strengthening of their positions in perspective Turkmen market.

In the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmensitan and the State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan expressed the confidence in steadfast development of cooperation.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Turkmenistan Takahiko Katsumata took part in the meeting.