Ï Turkmen leader: Large-scale ideas, political will and commitment

Turkmen leader: Large-scale ideas, political will and commitment

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There are many personal merits, which define a leader, in other words, a person who is able to lead people and to inspire them with idea. When it is spoken about the leader of the state then success and achievements of the country, which he leads, come to the first scene.

High GDP, political stability and social wealth, international authority, which provide the development of trade, economic and diplomatic relations, peace-making potential, the ability to make positive influence on elaboration of joint solutions in response to modern challenges are among the achievements of Turkmenistan, which are the best indicators of vision and thoughtfulness of the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. These main features make the portray of our country and the image of its leader.

Today, we see the implementation of large-scale ideas of the Head of the State, how grandiose projects are realized one after another and how thoroughly planned and scientifically verified national programmes become real life due to consistency of decisions and energetic activity of the President of Turkmenistan.

The number of examples is countless. For example the latest event – the opening of unique industrial complex in Ahal Velayat for production of gasoline, which put out country to the leading positions in deep processing of hydrocarbons. Or ground breaking ceremonies of new settlements in Lebap and Mary Velayat, which were held recently. Not long ago, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov launched the construction of new city – the administration centre of Ahal Velayat and started the project of Ashgabat City.

All, what seemed to be a beautiful idea, an ambitious project and sometime a fantasy, like huge artificial lake in Karakum desert for example, become the reality. All of these are visual results of the strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who put prosperity and happiness of the nation, every family and every citizen of Turkmenistan as a priority!

Determination is another merit, which makes leader to be a leader. There is no clear vision of objectives, necessary bold solutions, clear plant of their implementation without such approach.

When the Head of the State re-oriented the economy of the country from raw material supply way to diversification of processing branches, establishment of new directions of industry like electronic, petrochemical and other, which seemed to be the business of distant future as it requires fundamental re-orientation of entire national economy and to change it to another way, which means to form entirely different infrastructure, to provide it with different specialists, to attract future technologies in order to enter rather competitive market with its demanded commodities.

It took just few years for big plans of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to get specific forms, significant investments, competent partners represented by leading world corporations and concern, international financial institutes. Carbamide plant in Garabogaz, Balkan Velayat is one of such projects, which was successfully completed last year. Big facility making production meeting high quality standards from natural gas was opened in the place based on modern technologies.

Turkmen glass is also on high demand at the exchange trades today. Türkmen aýna önümleri facility, which has no analogues in the region, has also become an innovative in technological aspect. Opening of similar facilities, according to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is one of the main factors of further development of the economy of the country, enhancement of its technological potential.

Development of Turkmen electronic industry is continued at high rates, Turkmen manufacturers arrange the production of new equipment from household and industrial equipment to computers.

The Head of the State placed a bet on private netrepreneurship in development of export oriented and import substitutive branches entrusting them with big and responsible projects, which are new in the country, from construction of international airports to highways, ore mining facilities. Supported by the Government in the form of beneficial loans and tax preferences, Turkmen business grows rapidly demonstrating high professionalism, flexibility and mobility.

Today, the President pays special attention to informatization of all spheres of life, transit to digital economy, in which regard pays special attention to science and education.

Undoubtedly, the leadership understands spiritual values together with will, dedication and other important features, organization talents. The head of the State takes great care and pays permanent attention to protection and enrichment of historical and cultural heritage of the nation, making of all conditions for creative activity in the country.

Human health is among the main value targets advocated by the President. Today, Turkmenistan provides medical service of the citizens on modern requirement level. Network of medical and prevention facilities grows every year. Equipment and material base of this sphere is renewed. The main issues of health protection of mother and child, development of physical training and sport, enhancement of physical activity of the population and control of bad habits are in the focus of the state.

Success of fundamental changes, significant results achieved in development of the country are provided by the fact that reforms initiated and actively pursued by the Head of the State in all sphere are based on care of the prosperity of countrymen.