Ï ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat

ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat

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ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
ECO – 93 synthetic gasoline plant opened in Ahal Velayat
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of new super modern industrial complex – the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas, which was built in Ahal Velayat.

New industrial complex was built by joint efforts of the State Concern Turkemngaz and Consortium of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (Japan) and Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanaýi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Turkey). It is worth reminding that relative Agreement has been signed during official visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan in September 2013. The ground breaking ceremony of facility took place on August 2014 with the participation of the Head of the State.

The GTG (gas to gasoline) project is based on TIGAS technology developed by Danish Haldor Torsoe, which allows making high quality gasoline in combination with highly efficient catalysts with less energy consumption and minimum impact on environment.

600,000 tons of eco-friendly synthetic gasoline ECO – 93, which meet EURO – 5 standard, as well as 115,000 tons of liquefied gas from associated products and 12,000 tons of treated sulphur-free diesel fuel will be produced by the facility every year.

By the wat, synthetic gasoline is not only competitive alternative to tradition gasoline, which is produced by oil refining, but also new type of energy carrier. It can be used as vehicle fuel without any alteration of the engine as well as for blending with gasoline fractions received during oil refining, which gives opportunity to produce wide range of eco-friendly fuel.

In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came to Mizan Business Centre of the capital, where ceremonial session took place under the opening ceremony of new industrial sector. Upon arrival, the Head of the State was greeted by the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and members of Japanese delegation, who came to our country on occasion of remarkable event.

The Head of the State went to the Conference hall where the participants of the event have gathered. It included heads of the ministries and profile departments, public organizations, diplomatic mission and representatives accredited in our country, foreign companies, representatives of national and foreign mass media.

In the beginning of the ceremony, Oil and Gas Advisor of The President of Turkmenistan Ya. Kakayev reported to the Head of the State on the readiness of high technological facility, which was built based on the latest scientific achievements, for opening.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the event with the speech, in the beginning of which he congratulated everybody on the put into operation of the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas.

The Head of the State noted that open door policy of neutral Turkmenistan makes the basis of entire system of international relations of the country. ths system outlines the main directions of trade and economic partnership, scientific, technological and investment relations.

Speaking of what stimulates foreign companies to make big investments to the realization of large-scale infrastructural projects in Turkmenistan, the Head of the state noted that naturally, they are attracted by economic benefit as our country has huge reserves of natural resources. We do not limit ourselves by fact that efficient use of natural resources allows improving economic potential of the country and enhancing life level of the nations but also turn them into the factor of solution of numerous global issues, the President said.

In addition to huge reserves of natural resources, making of all cycles of production of commodities with high added value supports the region of Turkmenistan to become attractive as perspective sale markets for foreign business, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

This is indicated by the fact that our country has managed to achieve the highest indicator of the GDP in Central Asia. Turkmenistan actively integrates to the system of the world economic relations including by making transit and transport corridors and new directions of innovative and industrial development.

At present time, the world experiences the fourth industrial revolution. Our country also participates in this sharing the technologies and know-hoes, opening scientifically based production facilities and implementing advanced systems to all branches of economy and digitizing these systems, the Head of the State noted. Flow of foreign investments, high technologies and management solutions create the conditions for rapid achievement of economic growth allowing us using our labour and material resources wider.

The stage of industrialization of the country, market and structural reforms, diversification of processing branches starts with the transfer to digital economy. Therefore, the role of Turkmenistan, as a big exporter of the goods from textile to petrochemical production, is growing.

After, video demonstrated on display in 360 degrees format and allowing to have visual image of the potential of oil and gas sphere of Turkmenistan has been offered to the participants of the event. The video gives opportunity to make some kind of trip to the history starting from the times of the Silk Road, to know modern achievements of national fuel and energy complex, which include an efficient development of hydrocarbon resources of the country, establishment of powerful industrial infrastructure including the construction of new industrial facility in Ahal Velayat.

After, the floor was given to foreign guests.

State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Yoshihiko Isozaki was spoking first and , having highlighted that it is great honour for him to participate in current ceremony, read out congratulation message of Prime Minister Sinzo Abe, who on behalf of Japanese Government addressed the Head of the state with sincere congratulations on successful completion of construction of synthetic gasoline plant.

In this regard, the confidence that new petrochemical complex, which was built under the cooperation with Japanese companies, would support further development of industrial sector of Turkmenistan and enhancement of life level of people has been expressed.

It was mentioned in the message that commitment of the sides to comprehensive strengthening of partnership, which has gained new dynamics in its development, which is reflected in implementation of numerous joint economic projects was confirmed in 2013, during high level meeting during official visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan. Mutual visits on high level in 2015 gave strong impulse and more specific content t fruitful interstate cooperation. These facts are visual evidence of the progress of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation.

Turkmenistan, located on Caspian coast and having rich natural resources, plays the key role in stable development of the Central Asian region and is the main partner of Japan. Prime Minister Sinzo Abe noted in his message that he was glad that his country make big contribution to the efforts for diversification of the industry and realization of export capabilities of Turkmenistan.

The Head of the government of friendly state expressed the confidence that Turkmen – Japanese relations have big potential for further active development as well as confirmed the willingness of Japan to deep intensification of traditional bilateral relations.

In the end of the message, Prime Minister Sinzo Abe expressed the gratitude to all who was involved in construction of new plant and wished strong health and success in work to the participants of the ceremony and happiness and prosperity to people of Turkmenistan.

Director of Foreign Affairs Department of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, Head of the Secretariat of the Parliamentary League of Japanese – Turkmen Friendship Matsushita Shinpei warmly congratulated President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants on successful completion of construction of petrochemical complex and putting of it into operation.

Having highlighted that it is great honour for him to take part in current event, the guest expressed the confidence that new plant, which is a symbol of beneficial economic cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan, would make significant contribution to the development of Turkmen economy.

At the same time, it was mentioned that number of important large-scale infrastructural projects are among bilateral partnership. New facility for production of gasoline from natural gas is one of wonderful examples in this case. Mr Matsushita Shinpei highlighted that he is proud that advanced Japanese technologies supports steadfast development of industrial complex of Turkmenistan.

The event was continued by the award ceremony of prestige certificates to the synthetic gasoline plant.

In this regard, the floor was given to official representatives of the Guinness World Records Mrs Sheida Subashi Gemici, who expressed congratulations to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Turkmen people on the opening of unique industrial facility, which is the first facility of the kind in the world.

In ceremonial atmosphere, Mrs Subashi Gemici presented the Certificate of the First World Plant for Gas Production from Natural Gas under the applauses of the participants.

Mrs Piya Scambelluri, the Coordinator of European Region of the Environmental Protection Fund of the United States of America was the next to speak. Having expressed deep gratitude on behalf of the Fund to the President of Turkmenistan for the invitation to take part in the opening ceremony of new technological and eco-friendly plant, the guest highlighted that it is great pleasure for her.

There many reasons, which make the opening of this facility that has no analogues to be such important event. The main of the reasons is an ecological component of this project and care of our future, - Mrs Piya Scambelluri said. Use of unique technologies for waste disposal makes this industrial giant to be the most environmentally plant in the world, which in its turn serves as a model for other countries.

While being the leader in the sphere of protection of public health from ecological threats, the Fund advocates the conviction that thoughtful and wise planning and design, application of latest technologies make possible an economic development during provision of public health and environment protection for better future.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of the state for such example, Mrs Piya Scambelluri has handed over the Environmentally Friendly Certificate and relative sign in the ceremonial atmosphere.

After, the floor was given to the Head of Energy Department of Swiss Federal Technology University Mr Urs Weidman.

This project is visual example of implementation of innovative technologies for other countries as well as indicates far-seeing approach of Turkmen leader to solution of ecological issues. Continuing the subject, Mr Urs Weidman noted that this unparalleled project is an important milestone in development of national economy on one hand and real investment to the infrastructure of entire Eurasian continent on another hand.

New facility is very important for future development. It also give new opportunity to Turkmenistan in economic aspect, in the context of expansion of business partnership with neighbouring countries in the sphere of energy industry, the guest said.

Having finished his speech, Mr Urs Weidman has presented the Certificate and Sign of Innovative Technologies.

Summing up the results of the ceremony and addressing the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that opening of synthetic gasoline plant is the event of big significance not only for our country but also for entire region.

After, the President made an entry in the Book of Honoured Guests. Following Turkmen leader, Japanese guests have also left notes in the Book.

From Mizan Business Centre of the capital, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the plant for production of synthetic gasoline from natural gas, which is located in Ahal velayat.

The participants of the opening ceremony have ale went to new industrial complex.

Upon arrival, the President was warmly greeted by the members of the Government, Hyakim of Ahal Velayat as well as leader of Japanese delegation who came to our country.

The moment came and the President of Turkmenistan cut symbolical ribbon opening new important industrial facility under loud applauses of the participants.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to administration building of the plant where the director of the facility introduce new complex to the President. Video about the specific features of the plant, all cycles of production process of deep processing of gas and making new production was demonstrated on the display.

The process of turning gas into liquid fuel required the construction of entire train of technological units for deep cleaning of natural gas, synthesis of gas and methanol as well as production and enrichment of gasoline.

Synthetic fuel produced by the facility is distinguished by ideal ecological characteristics. It does not have neither sulphur components, nor nitrogen organic compounds, which are harmful for environment. The main production of the plant, ECO – 93 gasoline, is stored in three 18,000 cubic meter tanks, in which special equipment works for provision of its quality.

Liquefied gas, which is associated product, goes to round-shaped 2,000 cubic meter tank while desulphurized diesel fuel to 360 cubic meter tank.

All tanks are equipped with proper fire protection devices. The system of shipment of ready-made production includes loading terminals for loading of gasoline to railway tanks and road tankers as well as for loading of unconditional gasoline, desulphurized diesel fuel and liquefied gas to tanker trucks.

According to the specification, the infrastructure of the plant has number of other units including reception and treatment unit of water, which is used in production process,

The facility also has two outdoor water cooling facilities, one of which is used for the gas processing and gasoline production units while another for auxiliary facilities.

Air separation units is provided with equipment form the world famous companies Air Liquide from France and MAN Turbo from Germany. Atmospheric air is purified by special filters and compressors; afterwards it is compressed in steam generator and its pressure is increased to medium level.

Steam generating units is provided with three steam boilers, which produce 400 tons of steam per hour, which is distributed by the pipelines.

System of uninterrupted power supply of the facility is also available. It has steam power generator producing 38 Mega Watt of electricity per hour. In addition, it has auxiliary generator with 2,500 KWatt production output, which is activated in automatic mode.

All gas and liquid wastes are sent to flare system, for safe operation of which medium pressure steam conductor is available. The facility for treatment of technological condensate is also available.

Waste water treatment units operates taking into account the requirements of ecological safety. It provided with modern profile equipment including by special filters, oil catchers, systems of water softeners and mixture separation.

Having studied production cycle of the plant, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the management and personnel on the opening of new petrochemical complex.

After the President gave start to the shipment of the first batch of new production to local consumers and for export. At this moment, special vehicles with the load of ECO – 93 gasoline, which would be delivered to gas stations of the capital and velayats, started driving off.

At the same time, shipment of eco-friendly fuel to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan started by the railway. In addition, big volume of liquefied gas has been sent by special vehicles to neighbouring country.

Shipment of big volume of production of new complex on behalf of Turkmen nation as humanitarian aid to neighbouring state on the day of remarkable event has enhanced the significance of current event.

Having wished success in work to personnel of new facility, the Head of the State gave the keys from new vehicles to the team of industrial complex.

After, the Head of the State went to the 4th gas station of the capital where the President was warmly greeted by the participants of the opening ceremony of new plant and foreign partners who took part in the construction.

First fuelling of the vehicle of Turkmen leader with eco-friendly synthetic ECO-93 gasoline, which meets EURO 5 standard, took place. The President of Turkmenistan paid by bank card for the fuel.

Expert of the Centre of Criminal Studies of the Ministry of Interior and specialist of the General State Service Turkkmenstandartlary made quality and chemical composition tests of fuel.

After certain procedures, the specialist of the Ministry of Interior informed that ECO – 93 vehicle gasoline, which was produced at new plant, meets the fifth level by its chemical composition and ecological standards, which are set for environmental protection.

On the same day, Mizan Business Centre of the capital hosted the briefing dedicated to the opening of new petrochemical complex in Ahal, where heads of number of profile state structures of Turkmenistan and famous foreign companies, which were involved in realization of this important infrastructural project.