Ï Representatives of foreign mass media introduced with the concept of the I Caspian Economic Forum

Representatives of foreign mass media introduced with the concept of the I Caspian Economic Forum

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Archabyl Hotel of the capital hosted media forum dedicated the I Caspian Economic Forum, which is to be held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 12. It is organized by the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.

Representatives of national and foreign mass media took part in the meeting. Heads and leading specialists of ministries and departments of our country introduced the achievements of Turkmenistan in different fields of economy and information about coming Forum to the press.

Representatives of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan noted that favourable geographic location of the country allows it supporting and developing the relations with all countries of Europe and Asia implementing number of projects in different spheres of economy.

Video presentation of the first Caspian Economic Forum was visual introduction of the subject of the meeting. It was followed by the reports of representatives of different ministries and departments of our country. The spokesmen noted that the first Caspian Economic Forum is to become an efficient ground for activation of the partnership in the context of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea signed by the Heads of five Caspian states.

Significant successes of Turkmenistan in implementation of energy policy, which is aimed at integrated development of national fuel and energy complex, its innovative diversification and integration to global energy system, have been presented to journalists.

Growth of export-oriented production sets the objective of development and improvement of transport and logistic infrastructure to Turkmenistan and entire Caspian region. Coming Forum is to support the activation of cooperation in Caspian Sea. Interregional and intercontinental relations receive new strategic perspective with optimization of transport routes in Eurasian space. Turkmenbashy International Port, which is a strategic link of the formation of modern system of maritime transportation making the most favourable conditions for entry to Black Sea region, European countries, Middle East, South Asia and Asian Pacific region, plays the main role in this aspect.

The Forum, which will include an International Conference, Caspian exhibition of innovative technologies and review of the world automobile construction achievements, is to give strong impulse to economic, trade and investment cooperation in Caspian Sea, turning of the sea in one of the biggest transport and transit hub of international significance playing important role in the formation of new geographic economic space in Eurasia.

The participants of the meeting highlighted that Caspian region is able and have to play one of the leading roles in the formation of balanced model of relations in the world d economic space and the I Caspian economic Forum would be a starting point for implementation of ambitious projects.