Ï The President of Turkmenistan and representatives of Sojitz express the confidence in successful development of the partnership

The President of Turkmenistan and representatives of Sojitz express the confidence in successful development of the partnership

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The President of Turkmenistan and representatives of Sojitz express the confidence in successful development of the partnership
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Executive Director of Sojitz Corporation, President and General Director Europe, Russia and CIS Sojitz Europe PLC Satora Takaham and Advisor of this Corporation, Vice-chairman of Japanese – Turkmen Committee for economic cooperation Toshihara Yoshimura.

Having expressed the gratitude for spared time, the representatives of Japanese business congratulated the head of the State on the opening of unique complex – the plant for production of gasoline from gas, on June 28, in construction of which Japanese experience was involved.

They have also assured Turkmen leader in the commitment of Sojitz Corporation in continuation of fruitful partnership with our country, which is provided by high dynamics of its economic development and colossal resources.

Welcoming the guests, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight the success of cooperation between Turkmenistan and largest Japanese companies, having noted that today, these traditional business contacts receive new content.

The representatives of Sojitz highly appreciated the importance of big projects for creation of innovative facilities based on the processing of local raw materials in Turkmenistan, having highlighted that it is great honour for the Corporation to take part in implementation of such large-scale ideas of Turkmen leader.

Turkmenistan is invariably committed to the strategy of equal international partnership for the interests of all sides of the dialog, the Head of the State said, having invited Japanese businessmen to take part in the first Caspian Economic Forum in August. Both traditional and new spheres of cooperation would be discussed at this meeting, the President stated.

Big experience of such leading Japanese trade and investment companies as Sojitz might find practical application in new projects for development of processing industry of Turkmenistan and production of commodities demanded in the world markets, the Head of the State noted.

Ammonia and carbamide plant in Mary, which was built with the implementation of Japanese financial and technological instruments, was named as an example of successful joint work in this direction.

Having informed the Head of the State on the work carried out together with Turkmen colleagues, the guests highlighted again the intent of Sojitz to work with Turkmenistan as with exclusively reliable and responsible business partner on long-term basis.

In the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan and representatives of Japanese corporation expressed the confidence in successful development of cooperation.