Ï The Head of the State inspects the works at the facilities under construction in Ashgabat

The Head of the State inspects the works at the facilities under construction in Ashgabat

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip around the capital, inspected number of important construction sites, which would adorn Turkmen capital with new facilities soon, having improved its status as the centre of business, political, financial and investment activity.

The Head of the State looked around the facilities, which are built in the southern part of the city by French Bouygues Bâtiment International, old business partner of our country. New facilities include International Congress Centre and fashionable hotel, the State Tribune, buildings of the State Commercial Bank Türkmenbaşy and Joint Stock and Commercial Bank Senagat. All buildings designed in a way to merge organically to single architectural ensemble of the capital, which is distinguished by monumentality and special style.

The President of Turkmenistan notes that local natural landscape has to be taken into account while building the facilities in this part of the city – picturesque mountain view and modern facilities have to match each other. This requirement sets rather complicated artistic objectives to architects and designers but at the same time, makes the work to be more interesting as well as makes the view of the city to be more attractive.

Construction site of administration office of the Joint Stock and Commercial Bank Senagat was the first place to be visited by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Representative of French contractor Bouygues Bâtiment International Alexey Reshov reported to the Head of the State on the course of planning works and constructive solutions of the bank premises.

Total land plot allocated for construction of 15-storey building of the bank is more than 67,000 square meters. Actually, the construction site occupies 16,800 square meters. The building rises up to 76.5 meters and its width is 35.5 meters.

The ground floor will accommodate the foyer, meeting hall and other premises, 2 – 11 floors will have personnel offices and the top floors will be occupied by the management of the bank. The 14th floor will accommodate technical services while the storage, canteen and parking will be located in the basement. It will also have a parking for the customers. The building of the State Commercial Bank Türkmenbaşy will have approximately the same parameters.

During the inspection, the Head of the State paid special attention to the quality of construction works and materials, which have to be durable and strong. In addition, national colouring has to be reflected in decoration of the interior and façade of the buildings, the President said.

It is necessary to think over comfort conditions for the clients of the bank in customer service and teller hall, where latest digital technologies have to be applied, the Head of the State noted, having also given instruction for developing of surrounding territory.

After, the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the International Reception Ceremony Centre, which is the part of International Congress Centre of Turkmenistan together with the Reception Ceremony Centre of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan.

Construction area of three-storey building of the International Reception Ceremony Centre is 22,836 square meters. The facility is located on the territory of 66, 429 square meters. The building is 31.36 meters high and 112 meters long.

Having inspected the works on site, Turkmen leader made number of critical remarks on functional characteristics of some premises. Having demanded to make amendments of the plan, the President gave relative recommendations.

After, the Head of the State visited the Reception Centre of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan, which is located opposite of the International Congress Centre. Construction site of this facility is 24,140 square meters. It will be surrounded by developed territory of 63,991 square meters. Same as the International Congress Centre, it will have three floors, 31.36 meters high and 112 meters wide.

Having looked around facility, Turkmen leader gave instruction to the contractor on compliance with high construction standards and provision of quality of all works, timely completion of this facility and other buildings of the complex.

After, the President inspected the work carried out by the contractor for the project of the International Congress Centre of Turkmenistan. This representative five-storey building is 47,464 square meters. It is located on 93,700 square meters. The height of the building is 38.65 meters and the width is 190 meters.

All three buildings of the complex of Internatioanl Congress Centre of Turkmenistan have common architectural solution making single ensemble in laconic business style.

Taking into account that recently, Ashgabat became the place of regular big forums of regional and global significance, all facilities built in this place have to meet high international standards, the Head of the State said.

During inspection of the International Congress Centre, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also looked around the projects of construction of new large-scale complex Ashgabat City in the northern part of the capital.

Displays with sketches of future buildings, models of architectural facilities like residential, administration and social buildings have been presented to the Head of the State. It was also reported on the projects of facilities, which were elaborated taking into account the remarks and recommendations of the President.

Having focused on the importance of rational location of all facilities, Turkmen leader noted that self-sufficiency of urban living environment has to be the main principle of further development of the capital.

New residential complex has to match the style of white-marble Ashgabat, the Head of the State said, having highlighted that all future facilities have to meet modern standards both by design and quality of construction as well as from energy consumption, waste disposal and environment protection points of view.

The President pointed out that it is necessary to pay utmost attention to cnstruciton of engineering and technical communications – power, water, telephone lines and other networks.

The project of this residential estate is focused on the opportunities of growth and improvement of life level of people. It is intended to turn the northern part of the capital into new economic centre with opportunities of employment for the residents and business for investors, to provide well-integrated environment for development of entrepreneurship and innovations and to become the base for further expansion of the city taking into account forecasted growth of the population of Ashgabat.

After, the President visited the construction site of the State Tribune, which located on the Kopetdag Avenue. The facilities is built at the work order of the City Administration of Ashgabat and planned to be completed in August 2020.

Total area of the facility s 20,450 square meters. It will have developed surrounding territory of 47,324 square meters. The building of the Government Tribune in oriental palace design includes the President’s Tribune and the guest stands for 2,000 people. The height of the main façade will be 30 meters. In addition, there is 2.55 meter high basement. The width of the tribune is 160 meters. It will also have a helipad.

The Head of the State gave instructions to the head of the capital administration and representative of French Bouygues Bâtiment International on the decoration of the State Tribune, which would host ceremonial events including the celebration of the Independence Day of Turkmenistan next to it. In addition, it should have the most comfortable conditions for the guests, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

In general, summing up the outcomes of inspection of the facilities, Turkmen leader said that they have to be visual embodiment of the prosperity of the country, therefore, it is necessary to hold under strict control their construction.

Special attention has to be paid to creation of green zones. It is also necessary to take into account such aspects as compliance of city roads with international standards, their comfort of drivers and pedestrians, harmonic combination of urban and natural landscape, the Head of the State added.

Having wished the participants success in responsible work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.