Ï President of Turkmenistan appoints pro-rectors of a number of universities

President of Turkmenistan appoints pro-rectors of a number of universities

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In accordance with the Decrees of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov:

Tachmuhammedova Aybolek Halykberdyyevna was appointed as the Vice-Rector for Research at Myrat Garryeva State Medical University of Turkmenistan;

Sahedov Gurbanmyrat was appointed as the Vice-Rector for educational work of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports;

Nunnaev Hydyr Kakabayevich was appointed as the Vice-Rector for Research of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports;

Hojatnepesov Kakabay Annasahetovich was appointed as the Pro-Rector for educational work of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan;

Yelov Dovlet Tuganovich was appointed as the Vice-Rector for scientific work of the Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute. Myratlyyev Ashirmuhammet Meredovich, who held this position, was released from this post;

Orazov Gylychmammet was appointed as the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan;

Penayev Gulmyat Muhammedovich was appointed as the Vice-Rector for scientific work at the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan;

Merdan Yazmyradovich Tuveleev, who held the position as Chief Executive of Mollanepes Student Theater, was appointed as the Vice-Rector for the scientific and creative work of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture. Niyazov Durdyklych, who held this position, has been released from work due to retirement.