Ï The President of Turkmenistan makes personnel changes in vice-rectorate of number of universities

The President of Turkmenistan makes personnel changes in vice-rectorate of number of universities

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According to the Resolutions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov,

Gaygysyz Atayev was appointed as the Vice-rector for Educational Work of thee State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan. Rozgedly Allaberdiyev who occupied this post previously was released in relation with retirement;

Gurbangeldy Muhammedov was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of Magtumguly Turkmen State University. Gulgeldy Annayev who previously occupied this position has retired.

Merdanbeg Piriyev was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of S. A. Niayzov Turkmen Agricultural University. Babadjan Sahatov who occupied this position was released from this work.

Hydyrguly Kadyrov was appointed as the Vice-rector for Educational Work of Oguzkhan Engineerign and Technological University of Turkmenistan. Rahmanberdy Berdiyev who occupied this post was released from the duty.

Azat Atayev who occupied the post of the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of Oguzkhan Engineerign and Technological University of Turkmenistan was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of the Institute of telecommunications and Information Technologies.

Aymyrat Babamyrat Ogly Muhammedov was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of Oguzkhan Engineerign and Technological University of Turkmenistan.

Begench Myatliyev was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific Work of the the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. BabaSariyev who occupied this post was released from his duties.

Yazmyrat Rejepov was appointed as the Vice-rector for Scientific and Art Work of Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory.