Ï The Head of the State gives assignments to new Directors of universities

The Head of the State gives assignments to new Directors of universities

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At the session of the Government on July 5, the Head of the State set the objectives to newly appointed Directors according to specialization of high educational institutes.

Addressing new Head of M. Garriyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan N. Myratnazarova, the President noted that efficient implementation of the Health Programme allowed Turkmenistan reaching significant success in control of infectious diseases. It is necessary to continue working in this direction. Centralized hospitals are built currently in the velayats, for which qualified specialists are required. These medical centres will have to be included into practical work of the students - the future doctors, to coordinate the studies in new facilities and to renew the methodology on educational process.

The President ordered the Director of Turkmen State Institute of Culture A. Aydogdiyev to enforce the attention to the subjects of protection and popularization of rich historical heritage of the ancestors, its succession by new generation of cultural personnel.

The Head of the State pointed out the necessity of scientific approach to training of various coaches and sportsmen to Director of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Training and Sports A. Saparov. Our country has considerable equipment and facility base in this sphere and it is important to implement all entire potential and advance educational methods. In the future, specialized academies have to be opened for training of professional coaches and sportsmen, the President said.

The Head of the State drew the attention of Director of Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages M. Kuliyeva on the importance of study of languages of those states, with which our country has established fruitful economic relations including Japan, China, the Republic of Korea and other.

Director of Turkmen State Financial Institute B. Tangryberdiyev was ordered to develop scientific foundations for training of specialists in the context of digitization of national economy, wide implementation of advanced information and communication technologies in banking business, etc.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered Director of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan S. Nazarov to pay attention to the modernization of educational and methodological process including in directions related to personnel provision of activity of combined gas turbine power station at Mary State Power Station. We would continue developing energy systems of the country, increasing the production capacities in this sphere, therefore the specialists of this profile would be on high demand, the President said.

The Head of the State gave order to Director of Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory R. Amangeldiyev to think over the opening of the museum of legendary opera singer, master of Turkmen musical art, which name was given to this educational facility. The President also noted that Turkmens have 72 national musical instruments. It is important not to lose this historical link including by the improvement of these instruments in new forms, training of virtuosic play of these instruments given to young musicians by experienced masters.

The Head of the State wished big success in work to newly appointed heads of the universities, having expressed the hope that they would justify the trust and would put all efforts for solution of important objective – training of qualified personnel of new formation.