Ï The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini

The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini

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The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan holds the meeting with the Head of the EU Diplomacy Federica Mogherini
Key directions of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union were discussed at the meeting with High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission Mrs Federica Mogherini held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It was highlighted that the European Union has sincere interest in comprehensive expansion of productive dialog with Turkmenistan, which is a strategic partner occupying key positions in Central Asia region and demonstrating its high peace-making potential in development of regional and interregional cooperation.

Positive dynamics of development of relations between Turkmenistan and European Union, which is indicated by dozens of completed ad current joint projects and programme including in educational sphere, environment protection, economics, support of development of private sector and agriculture, has been noted.

Mutual intent of Turkmenistan and the European Union to strengthen an efficient partnership in such important sphere as provision of universal peace and security, counteraction against global threats and modern challenges has been confirmed during interested exchange of the views. In this regard, positive role of neutral status of Turkmenistan, which serves as an actual instrument of peace-making process, has been mentioned.

The Head of the EU Diplomacy highlighted that European Union highly appreciates and supports international initiatives of Turkmen leader, which are aimed at the development of balanced solutions of actual problems, which raise the concern of entire world community, creation of optimum conditions for sustainable development in regional and global scale.

Signing ceremony of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the European Union, The European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) on establishment, privileges and immunities of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkmenistan was held under the meeting. The European Atomic Energy Community, which headquarter is located in Brussels, was founded in 1957. Today, the composition of this international organization includes all members of the EU. Together with development of atomic energy, the activity of Euratom is focused on the formation of general energy policy of the EU states and their partners, coordination of decisions on this strategic sphere, improvement of stability of delivery of energy carriers to the world markets.

It is worth mentioning that Turkmenistan is the members of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Being a participant of number of important Agreements including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Comprehensive Nuclear ban Treaty, Treaty on a Nuclear-weapon-free-zone in Central Asia and other important documents, our country strictly follows undertaken obligations making deserving contribution to the consolidation of the bases of global peace and security, activation of processes in the field of disarmament.

Vice President of the European Commission Mrs Federica Mogherini noted that the EU opens its 142nd Delegation in the world with this Agreement and strengthen its diplomatic presence in Central Asia.

Reflecting growing mutual interest in activation of bilateral relations, the opening of the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan is also to support successful realization of new Strategy of European Union for Central Asia, to give impulse to cooperation between the states of the region. This Strategy, which was adopted recently by the European Union and approved by the EU Council for Foreign Affairs, would be officially presented at the 15th EU – Central Asia Ministerial Meeting in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan on July 7.

The document provides the activation of political dialog, strengthening of potential of Central Asia countries in sustainable development, counteraction against external threats and modern challenges, support of their economic modernization. The main directions of the partnership includes the provision of security, trade, energy, ecology and education, management of water resources, transport and digital communications, support of private sector as well as humanitarian contacts.

In words, the European Union is willing to share the best practice in development of integrational processes in different spheres. On another hand, experience of Central Asian countries in solution of regional issues is also valuable and can be used as successful model by other countries. In particular, the EU recognizes the progress of water diplomacy in Central Asia as such example.

It was mentioned that the EU is also planning to activate cooperation for support of peace in Afghanistan including the integration into the meetings and regional programme of relative format, support of the projects with participation of the partners from Afghanistan.

In this context, old active work of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat and the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Turkmen capital has been noted as the result of the policy pursued by Turkmenistan to support regional dialog and to prevent conflicts.

It was noted during the meeting that at present time, the EU countries pay special attention to the development of cooperation in energy sphere with Turkmenistan. In this regard, detailed information about energy strategy of our country, which is steadily implemented under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which important aspect is to create multi-optional infrastructure that is able to provide reliable delivery of Turkmen energy carriers, especially natural gas, to the world market, has been presented. Taking into account favourable geographic location and resource potential of our country, developed system of gas pipelines will turn Central Asia and Caspian region into the biggest world centre of production and transit of energy raw material.

Turkmenistan take direct part in the formation of modern architecture of global energy security, successfully implementing an integrated strategy aimed at modernization of profile infrastructure, diversification of the system of transportation of energy carriers and provision of their safe transit to international markets. Our country stands for wide cooperation in this important sphere, for development of new models in the context of support of balance of interest of all participants of multilateral energy dialog, equal and guaranteed access to energy sources and modes of their transportation.

Having huge energy potential, Turkmenistan repeatedly initiated big projects, which are aimed at bringing of trade and economic partnership between the countries of Central Asia and neighbouring regions to new level.

It includes the construction of the TAPI gas line, which will male new perspectives for development of fruitful cooperation in the region. Trans-Caspian pipeline is also among perspective projects in this sphere. recently, the work in this direction has been activated for development of single mechanism for provision of supply of Turkmen gas to European markets.

In the end of the meeting, it was summed up that new approaches of the European Union to the partnership with our country support the efficiency of joint activity and the opening of the EU Delegation in Ashgabat sup[orts the expansion of cooperation in energy and other spheres.