Ï Federica Mogherini studies the directions of the Mejlis activity

Federica Mogherini studies the directions of the Mejlis activity

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The Mejlis hosted the meeting with High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Mrs Federica Mogherini who arrived in our country on working visit.

During the meeting, the guest was introduced with the main functions and objectives of supreme legislative body of Turkmenistan, its structure and directions of activity. It was mentioned that solid legal framework taking into account law-making practice, universal standards of international law, which is actively implemented to national legislation, has been made by present time. Together with joining to important Conventions of the United Nations Organizations, this work comprehensively supports an efficient integration of the country into international legal space.

Constructive foreign activity of Turkmenistan in international structures in the world arena supports the strengthening and expansion of Inter-Parliamentary relations. In this context, it was noted that implementation of creative initiatives made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for solution of global issues of the present – the provision of peace and sustainable development, is an important objectives of our parliamentarians.

During the conversation, the sides exchanged the opinions on condition and perspectives of inter- Parliamentary cooperation, which is an integral component of Turkmenistan – European Union Dialog. Our country participates in the EU regional projects “The Platform of the Supremacy of Law”, under which seminars, training and other events. Annual dialogs on human rights are one of the main instruments of the partnership.

In this context, the importance of regular consultations and meetings with colleagues parliamentarians supporting the formation of modern platform for activation of multilateral relations between our country and the states of European Union has been highlighted.