Ï The Mejlis and Foreign Ministry host the meetings with Parliamentary delegation from Italy

The Mejlis and Foreign Ministry host the meetings with Parliamentary delegation from Italy

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The Mejlis hosted the meeting with the Parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Italy chaired by Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies Ettore Rosato.

The guests were introduced with the structure and the main activities of National Parliament in the context of large-scale reforms initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are to give new impulse to economic and social development of Turkmenistan and to provide steadfast growth of wealth of the nation.

Steadfast work of the Mejlis on implementation of the standards of international law, which supports the realization of creative initiatives made by the Head of the State on solution of modern global issues, has been mentioned.

During the meeting, Ettore Rosato highlighted the interest of his country in expansion of constructive partnership with Turkmenistan in different directions.

The sides exchanged the views on conditions and perspectives of Inter-Parliamentary cooperation, which are an integral component of Turkmen – Italian dialog. In this context, the importance of exchange of practice in law-making activity, regular consultations and meetings, which support the activation of cooperation of two states both on bilateral base and under international organizations, has been highlighted.

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On the same day, the delegation of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Italy was received in the Foreign Ministry where opportunities of expansion of the relations, which are built on beneficial base, have been discussed. The guests of our country have also met with authorized representative of human rights, the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan, and have been informed about the activity on this direction, which is carried out in close cooperation with the OSCE, UN and other international structures and representatives of public.

During the visit to our country, Italian parliamentarians looked around the expositions of the museums of Turkmen capital, historical and cultural monuments and other attractions.